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Okay...this has been on my mind and I couldn't go without putting it up though I said I wouldn't have time today, but I guess I found some time! :)
I feel like Dorothy with her ruby red slippers clickin together and wishin to go home because there really is "No place like home"!
Lately I have really been missin' my dad and the rest of my family and the place that is home to me, Jesup. I have been going to Jesup since before I could walk or talk! I remember when I moved there my senior year, that I was riding the bus and a boy says to me "you a Crummey?" I replied "Yes through and through!" He smiled "well then we are related!" I swore from that day forward I would NEVER date anyone from that town..I would probably be related! But as time goes on I notice that I am drawn more and more to my families home town. There is something about the stillness and slowness of a small town. I never thought that a place could really tug at your heart strings like this. I often wonder if we felt the same way about Heaven and this is just a small reminder of what it feels like to love where you came from.
I have many fond memories there and love my family and my heritage. i am grateful that I was blessed to have such a family! I took these pictures because I know that things have a tendency to change and one day this land might be sold off and I wanted to forever preserve the memories that i was blessed to have here in Jesup!
Cool picture displays. It's so cool that you have all that family history is one place. Good thing you found out fast that you were prob related to everyone and didn't kiss a cousin!! :}
I have been so homesick lately as well. I love seeing the pics of your dad! It is interesting to think about a prospective situation arrising in my own family that could bring some of them to live out here, from Utah. I have been asked to pray about it. It is hard to pray and not feel selfish at the same time. ALthough, I know that if Heavenly Father wants this to happen, He will make it happen. And visa versa. I yearn for a hug from my dad sometimes. No one gives a hug like him!!
I had to laugh at the whole related thing. Our family is realted to many back in Arizona as well! That is so funny!
I love your comment about Heaven. That is beautiful.
And I have always loved to hear your stories about Jesup and your uncles and cousins.
And about the comments from your ice cream sandwich post...did Tyson really use the word fabulous?! LOL
Oh, no. I missed it. The word fabulous went out of fashion when I wasn't looking.
Those are some fabulous pictures, Sharon! :)
You are silly.
ok you two do I have to put you in separate corners! Silly jokers :)Thank you for the fabulistically fabulous comment! Hope y'all have a fab day! :)
Sharon, of all the abusers of the word 'fabulous' you are the worst after that last fabulous comment.
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