Dear Family and Friends,
We decided that instead of sending out newsletters, we'd send out cards directing y'all to our blog/family site! This is the easiest and the least time consuming way to do a web page for our family and we keep it updated fairly often with the Horrocks happenings! :)
We find it AMAZING that time has flown by! We are a year older, maybe at least an ounce wiser, and we are busier and busier as the kids get older. We will start our spiel with the eldest child...

Is in 3rd grade, was baptized, is a boy scout (he even won 1st place in the looks category for the Pine wood Derby-not bad for first time) and has been losing teeth left and right and lost several at baseball practices from playing with wiggly teeth until they came out! He is into playing Sudoku, games in general, he is very talented with the Wii gaming system, getting better with his arm at baseball and pitched on his fall baseball team, for the first time and did much better then any of us thought he would considering his age and experience. Several kids could actually hit off of him, and he is a bigger help around the house(a bribe doesn't hurt in that arena either). He already has his life planned, basically since he was two, he wants to play the piano, violin, go on a mission, marry B from church, go into the Air force and fly a plane like his Uncle A. He really has been saying this plan since he was 2, no joke! He has been playing the piano for a little less than a year and a half and is doing well. He and his cousin, B, did a duo for a "friendly" competition and passed their theory with flying colors and got Superior on their pieces.

She is still the little mama around the house, but has finally learned who the alpha mom is!:) Alyssa's personality has come out a lot this year and she is a funny, usually happy child and is VERY proud of her siblings, especially Bria. She finished another year in cheer leading and they won the Spirit Award at competition. She wants to go back for more next year. She is in 1st grade and loves her teacher. She has had the same teachers as Chad for K and 1st grade. Alyssa has made a few good friends this year and likes to spend time with them when she can, she loves to socialize, as evidence by notes sent home from school about talking too much when it's quiet time, she loves any art or craft, loves to color, draw and paint, and she loves to help out and do things that I do(sometimes it's too much, but I guess I should enjoy it while I can). Her biggest dilemma now days is worrying about who will want to marry her and how many kids she wants to have!

This girl has a BIG personality for such a tiny little body! She loves her sister and is attached at the hip...wherever Alyssa is there is Bria. She can play with the gals, but can DEFINITELY hold her own with the boys! Most of her friends ARE boys!:) Bria loves babies, playing with Heath and has become a vital source of help for me while the other kids are in school. I am sad that this is her last year at home during the day. She loves to play house, play with her realistic baby that cries and asks for things like food, change diaper (Heath could learn a few things there)and a few other things, she loves to paint and color, play outside, and play games on the computer with her little brother.

He also has a BIG personality, but it comes on like a permanent caffiene high!:) He is getting calmer, but this kid is all over the place! It can be fun and entertaining, but has tried my patience quite a bit! Jumping from couch to couch or to the coffee table, running the other way when called and many many other things that I am sure have earned there spot in the journal! He also likes to color and draw (my walls can prove that), go to Nursery at church, play with his brother and sisters, we are working on the helping bit, and he loves to play outside and with the Wii and computer. Santa brought a 4-wheeler just for his size and he LOVES it! He loves sports and talks about them all the time. He had some trouble with too many ear infections earlier in the year and had tubes put in and he has been in speech therapy for several months now and is signing less for things and asking for them instead and I can understand most of the things that he is asking for.

is busy finishing a project at work and is going back to work early, from vacation, to get it done. He has been busy with his calling at church. He is Scout Master and an adviser or teacher on Sundays for the 12 and 13 yr. old boys. He enjoys what he does and seems to have a good rapport with the boys. He has been getting better at playing the Wii because of the late nights with his brother and has spent time with his kids in that arena. He loves music and was able to be a part of our Stake Choir and play the Bassoon for the Christmas Festival our Stake has for the community. He was a kid again when he played! It was refreshing. Too bad they cost so much or else we'd get one!:) Maybe one day! He even helped Sharon finish some dresses she made herself and the girls for Easter pics!

has been going to school for a certificate in Interior Design and hopes to work on jobs here and there from home when she is complete. She has had fun designing her front yard and making those plans come to life with her dear hubby working hard. Sharon sang in the Stake Choir too and in the Festival. She also helped put together the Wise man tent for the live Nativity. She is the Music Leader for the Primary(kids ages 4-11) and has had a love/hate relationship with it at first, but is now starting to be more comfy with it! When Sharon is done with her Certificate she plans on designing her house, finishing her landscaping, starting plans for the back yard and a few other things that might be worthy enough to be in next years recap! :)
And last, but not least our little MISHA~

He is 1 year and a half and weighs 120 pounds now! He is almost, if not already, full grown! He brings frustration, love, laughter, and dog hair into our lives. Life wouldn't be the same without him and our kids adore him! They climb all over him and he is a gentle giant! We lucked out and got a GREAT dog!
This year we have spent time together as a couple up in Nashville and in Texas at the GayLord Texan and visited Sharon's hometown, Granbury. We also celebrated our 10 yr. anniversary! The family went to Georgia and visited Sharon's side of the family and spent a few days on Jekyll Island. It was a nice break from reality. The cell phone had no service and we had no computers and spent most of our time outside. W ehave also gone on a few camping trips this year. We went to the Smokey Mountains with some friends and to Buck's Pocket here in Alabama with Tyson's family.
We wish we could visit many of you more often and we miss and love each of you!
The Horrocks Clan

Enjoyed the post and the slide show... what a great idea!
aw how cute..i can't believe how grown up your kids are! I remember when every one of them were still babies!
What a great idea to blog your Christmas letter! We may have to do that next year. 2007 sounds like it was a bsuy but great year for your fam. I hope your Christmas went well!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Anniversary!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
We love you guys!
What a great idea!! You know I think you're great, but, you are!!
Happy New Year!
I will have to remember this next year!! Especially since most of my family is online now!! Love it!
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