
A Tribute to Baseball

This year we are not going to be able to participate in baseball because I have decided to take all 3 classes for my Interior Design Certificate for the next 6 months! I know, I know! I am CRAZY, LOCO! BUT, I had originally signed up for 2 classes and on Wed. at my last class of the week I felt very impressed, let me stress VERY impressed, by the Spirit, that it needed to be done! So here we are and I am sad about the no baseball! So I decided to do a tribute of our little Chadder man playing ball and getting us out and eating some good ol' hot dogs in the sunshine! Wish I had some of his tee ball days scanned, but I will save that for another day! ;)


Lisha said...

We have yet to get the girls in any kind of organized sport, but your pics make it look so fun! I'm glad it is something you enjoy as a family, and hurray for next year when you can get into it again!

Lisa said...

Good luck with ALL your classes. It will be hard but worth it in the end!

hope said...

I actually enjoy babseball/softball more than any other sport. Unfortuantely running with haste and great arm strength are not within Zach's abilities. Good luck with all your classes. That has got to be hard. I honestly can't wait to start my PTA training and cert., but that has to wait until Skylah is in school.

danakat said...

Awww...I'm sad for your family about no baseball, but I'm so excited for you to continue with your classes full-force. You'll do amazing!

hope said...

I just have to say I LOVE your new header!!! I am still laughing!!! Was that an FHE pic??? I love it!!!

Sharon said...

Hope- Thanks about the header! It was a random moment of us with our favorite treat and they were all doing goofy things, so i thought I would take pics and then there you are! LOL

Lacey Freeman said...

Good luck with your classes!!! I cannot wait to get Chase into some sports, especially tee ball. How old was Chad when he started playing?

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