They have to make their beds, put all their school stuff away when they come home, finish homework, practice piano, feed the animals and do the dinner dishes every day for one entire week in order to earn one of these chocolaty yummilicious goodies (all that for 1 candy bar? shhh, don't let them know that they could get paid minimum wage for all that). Really and truly these don't sound too great to me right now, but when I am not pregnant I LOVE chocolate. Poor Bria lost hers the first week, for telling a fib, but quickly recovered the next week. So, I am going to continue doing this for a little while longer until I have to find something else to dangle before the horse's mouth! So, yes I would highly recommend finding your child's Achilles Heel and exploiting it!
My kids love to do bonus stuff. Pizza night, Jump Zone, sleepovers, video games... So tehy actually have to earn priviledges like that here. Playing outside and around the house is a freebie! But all the extras, we charge them gold coins. They earn those each week with an accumulation of completed jobs in our job basket. If they get all their jobs done for the week (20) then they get a 5 coin bonus. I use the "grab bag" (bribary bag is more like it) for extras that I don't like to do... unload dishes, take the compost container out, fold laundry, etc. A little grab bag goes a long way!!
We are all about bribery at our house. Except we call it rewards. Same thing, right?
I would not be able to leave the candy bars alone - by the time a week went by - there would be none left for the kids ;)
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