Bri and I have been very, VERY sick! Especially Bri. She has been sick since last Wednesday, with a fever of 99.5-100.2 and now has a lingering, think she's gonna blow any minute cough. Her fever has come and gone a couple of times, but is gone right now. We are taking her into the doc tomorrow if it doesn't improve, though I am proud to say that I tried a natural home remedy using honey and her cough has calmed down (yes I am very proud of my little accomplishment)!
I have been sick since Saturday with a fever and a bad cold mixed with major nausea...was so close to being done with the morning sickness and now this fun stuff. I am doing better, but still get pretty tired and have had a few bouts with headaches that make you have the chills. The older two have taken up more responsibility (something that usually comes with LOTS of complaining, but they've been awesome lately) around the house and have been great babysitters of little man...they've given up there playtime a bit and have taken shifts in helping so they can have turns playing with their friends. I think I will keep them...and their daddy too! As for the rest of FB, we will see what happens. One can hope for at least one day of fun!
I am so sorry to hear about your FB. That is a bummer. Hopefully it gets better soon!
so brycie thinks bria is the most photogenic kid out there! (and i could't agree more) i'm sorry you guys are sick, and i'm so sad about the competition! Well the next time we come into town i think we need to have a good chat and some playtime with those kiddos!
aww I'm sorry to hear about the sickiness! "major nausea" sounds AWFUL ha, I hope u and the cutie feel better ASAP!
What a bummer! I hope you all feel better soon!
Poor, poor Sharon and Bria. It's just not fair, is it?
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