
Busy, Busy

Been busy setting up the Wise man tent for the live nativity our church is doing this weekend and it has kept me on my toes, but turned out pretty well. I have been busy for a few weeks trying to get things ready for b-day parties for Alyssa,getting her dress made, planning her baptism, getting ALL of my Christmas shopping done ( I AM DONE NOW!), preparing to take a trip back to see my dad for Christmas and many many more things, but I found time for this:

I LOVE my little guy! He is just so precious to me! Sometimes I don't sit and play like I should with him. It is easy to get caught up into the "To-Do" list and what I would like to be doing. The other day I decided that he needed my time and I replaced all the batteries in his trains and their remotes and spent a good 45 minutes playing trains! I wish I could say it was all fun and games (and I hate to admit this), but I get kinda bored after awhile of watching the trains go round and round. But I absolutely LOVED every minute I had laughing and talking with him! He is such a ham. He loves to make you laugh by trying his hand at physical humor or sound effects and he definately knows how he wants things done! I think a future manager...hopefully without "micro" in front of it! :)

Up next is a scrapping night with my girls...wish me luck because usually I have a hard time not telling them where to place things. Great, watch them grow up with some "mom stifled my creativity" complex! ha ha! That's all I need, so I am going to be on my best behavior! Oh the joys of being a mother! :)


Quincy Sorensen said...

I can't wait to see the Wise Man tent. Good work, Sharon!

kellibattraw said...

Too fun. I love when little ones look down and you can see their precious little chubby cheeks! : ) I'm looking forward to train days in the near future too.

snbjork said...

Way to go, Mommy! I love those times when you have intentional time with your kids. Sometimes it's so hard to pull yourself away from all your other responsibilities. But, those little guys sure appreciate our time! Thanks for the reminder! =)

Sara said...

We're going to the festival tonight so I can't wait to see all your hard work. Also, Happy Birthday today! I can't make fun of you for being 30 because I am not too far off myself!

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