This little kid (Heath) adores his siblings as much as they adore him (of course it varies from day to day, but overall they like each other)! I love to take pictures of my children together and I thought since they are actually in their Sunday clothes and no one has stained anything, broken anything or sassed too much...yet and the best part...they were ALL HAPPY... perfect pic opportunity! This was the best shot out of several because even though they were pretty good...they were wiggly as all get out!
If there is only one thing I could have my kids fully understand and take with them when they grow up and out of the house, it would be the importance of family. As a kid it is hard to imagine being best friends with the brother who pins you down to administer the Chinese water torture, tickles you til you almost pee your pants or the one who arm wrestles you without any mercy despite the fact that you are 7 years younger or the sister who locks you out of her room after running into it yelling "THE BOOGIE MAN IS BEHIND YOU!!!" Leaving you helplessly banging on the door, frantically calling to her "HELP, LET ME IN!!!" But as I have grown up and seen more of life and have had hardships in friendships, some that are still intact and some that aren't close anymore, and may never be, I have realized that I admire my family greatly and that they have stuck up for me when no one else would and have been there when no one else was. I know most of their hardships and have seen their progress through the years! I have grown to admire and love them in many ways. I hope that one day my kids will too with their own siblings...and hopefully won't forget us parents!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
That is THE BEST kind of sibling shot. I love it!
My sister is hands down one of my very best friends, as is my mom...they're the best kind. :)
Great PSF!
Absolutely beautiful. Both your picture and your post. I am very envious of those who are close with their siblings.
Ahh, that is such a sweet picture!
that is such a great photo
That is a great picture. I'm sure they will be just as close when they are grown.
great shot of your kids! So true that your family becomes your best friends.
It's ALL about family.
I think that shot is perfect -- kissing kids are so fun.
Nicely done!
Yes - the importance of family - me too!! Great post!
Have a great weekend - Kellan
look at all the lovin he's getting
what a sweet picture!
That is a wonderful shot! I hope that my girls will be close as well. They are about 20 months apart but I hope they can create a bond that will remain with them forever.
Great post & picture.
How lucky they are to have each other.
aww, this is so sweet. very cool post and a great shot!
That's one of my favorite Heath pictures.
Hey Sharon - I just tagged you for another photo challenge :) Magic number is 7 this time :)
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