
Another Superior Year

Chad had his Piano Festival and received all Superiors again! YAY! When he started piano he had wanted to do violin (he has wanted to since he was 2), but we said let's stick to piano for a year and then we will see. So, 3 years later he has been great at practicing mostly without me having to remind him, loves music and understands it very well (like his dad) and he still wants to play violin. So now it is finding a good teacher for a decent price.


Mike and Carrie said...

Congratulations! I hear Kelly Newman in the Madison 1st ward was teaching violin. I'm pretty sure Paula Nichols' girls take from her.

Quincy Sorensen said...

Way to go, Chad!

snbjork said...

Kelli Battraw also teaches and is awesome!

Amy said...

That's so great! A love for music is such a wonderful thing.

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