
High Hopes and a B-day Party

I have started my weekly doctor visits. Today I went in with high hopes that my enduring a couple of months of on and off again Braxton Hicks Contractions, would prove to be of great worth like being dilated to maybe a 2 (yes high hopes)! But NOTHING! The cervix is thick and TIGHT as a drum! Grrr! You would think that baby #5 would show some progress early on. I was a 2 by this point with the last 2! Oh well. I guess I still have a little over 2 weeks so it shouldn't be a big surprise, but you sure feel a bit more triumphant when you start to dilate as well as knowing (during your last few weeks of uncomfortableness) it really can't be much longer! :)

Last night we had family over for a small b-day party for Heath. He seemed to really enjoy himself and LOVED his gifts, especially the one I found that totally had his name written all over it. I would've tried it myself if I didn't have a huge preggos belly! :) All the kids got a turn. Of course when you are having fun there is always one that gets hurt. One of my nieces got into a wrestling match with our landscape rocks and lost. Her arm ended up getting scraped and probably a little bruised. I am glad it wasn't worse.

Later on in the evening Heath saw my sister rocking X, my nephew who is a few months old, and Heath said "Is THAT my Laney!?!" In his defense he hadn't seen his face by this point. Of course he said that because I have been telling him that she will come after his b-day...should've waited and said after Bria's as to not get his hopes up so much! :) At least he is excited about her!

Chad loves to pretend that he is picking his nose on pictures...10 year olds or BOYS (you pick...no pun intended)! ;)

Look at them HOGGING the cake! Men!!! hee hee!

The toy that brought much laughter and LOUDNESS!


karen said...

That is a great present. And I love that he thought his new sister was here already!

Sandra said...

Just wondered if there are any weight, height, or age restrictions on Heath's new toy? If not, count me in [literally and figuratively].

Sharon said...

No weight limits that we saw and it is ages 4 and up! We will have to have a BBQ over here and let the adults enjoy the fun toy!

kellibattraw said...

What a fun toy! I love that he literally thought that his baby was coming right after his birthday. : )

kellibattraw said...

What a fun toy! I love that he literally thought that his baby was coming right after his birthday. : )

kg said...

Hope your last few weeks go smoothly and quickly!! :)

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