

My husband is usually gone every other weekend to school for his MBA. This month he has been out of town almost every weekend for school (it's the end of his 1st Semester) and was gone half of Spring Break for a business trip. It has been hard on us having him gone so much (partly cause I am due really soon with #5), but I have been noticing this has been more difficult for the kids. It's always hard to transition to change especially in schedule and I am sure it'll get a little easier when they are a bit more used to it, but we have had more tantrums, tears and frustration in the house because they miss having him around. So, for me I have had to learn a little more patience and try to make the time more pleasant by doing a movie night while daddy is away or go somewhere fun! My husband thinks it's unfair that we have so much fun without him! :)

We knew it would be hard to go to school, but knew the MBA program was something we needed to do to better the future career wise and signed up for it before we found out the man upstairs decided to send us another blessing, which we are now really looking forward to! During all of this I have also come to appreciate having a two parent home and tip my hat to all who are single parents that try their hardest to make sure their family is well taken care of because that is a HARD job and I can't imagine all that they go through! My mother was a single parent of 4 and it was very hard on her and I am amazed at all that she tried to do for us!

The night my husband returned from his business trip this is what the kids did (on their own) to welcome him home! They even sang a song just as he walked in the door, that they learned at church, "I'm so glad when daddy comes home, Glad as I can be!" then they forgot the rest which is kind of funny considering they sing it almost every year at church for Father's Day!

Of course Heath had such a busy day that we couldn't keep him up until 8:00 p.m. to see his daddy! But he was VERY happy to see him the next morning! Daddy brought home some donuts and fed us well for breakfast! We LOVE Daddy!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Cecily R said...

...put my arms around his neck, hug him tight like this...

That song will now be in my head for the next three days (I taught it once in Primary and it got stuck there for three weeks, I swear...STICKY song!)!!

Love the Welcome Home sign...I'm sure it made leaving in the first place a little easier. :)

Great PSF!

Tink *~*~* said...

That last photo made me LOL - it's so EXHAUSTING being a kid, apparently! :D

Tink *~*~*
Fort Myers Beach Moon

Lauren said...

That is so sweet! I love how excited my kids get when daddy comes home, whether he has just been at work for the day or gone for a week!

karen said...

Ahhh. So sweet. Love the picture of Tyson with most of his kids. They all look happy. I hope he can be home for a little while after this semster. Lots of work that I hope pays off!

Chris said...

I love that song too -- it would be nice to hear it more than once a year!

I can tell you, as a dad, that there is very little in this world that makes you happier than to come home to a family that is glad to see you.

Shellie said...

My husband used to have to travel for his job so when he was gone I would make the foods he hates but I love and rent chick flicks or do other things he doesn't really like so I wouldn't miss him as much. Cute sign for daddy. At least they remembered the most important line of the song.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

What sweet kids! When I was little we used to sing that song to our dad when he would come home (he was a long haul truck driver-- now he's retired and drive an RV!)
It would be VERY hard to be a single parent, hope I never have to experience that!~

hope said...

I hear you, Sharron!! Shawn isn't in school, but his trips have been so abundant lately... My sister is a widow with two older boys (11 & 13). No one in our family even had the slightest idea what it was like for the longest time. As soon as she found out Shawn was gone so much, she hand I almost formed a new level to our relationship as sisters, and as (somewhat) single moms. You learn that reliance and dependability on your hometeachers and Sisters becomes more abundant!!

Take care! And if you ever feel like being single together, let me know!! Chances are, Shawn will be gone, too! (Like this weekend.)

Michelle said...

It is hard missing a parent and being a single parent part time. Great PSF pictures.

Honey Mommy said...

Hooray for having your honey home again! It is always hard being on your own with all the kids!

Raise Them Up said...

Thanks so much for sharing your happy reunion! I remember well the time dragging on while my husband traveled. It didn't help that the boys were so little.

Kids sure miss their Daddy, don't they? :)

scrappysue said...

it's tough i know! hugs to you and your family - those pictures are gorgeous

Wendyrful said...

I definitely agree... Being a single mom (even temporarily) is VERY difficult! I think you've been doing a great job!!
It will all be worth it one day... just getting to that day is bit hard.

How sweet the kids made welcome home signs for daddy all by themelves! And then sang to him. I bet his heart just melted!!!!! So sweet. You have great kids!

(p.s. did you get what I left on your front door today?)

Alex the Girl said...

It's amazing how daddy coming home seems to fix things. My husband worked offshore and would be gone anywhere from 14 to 21 days at a time. It was just as stressful on the kids as it was on me when he was away. Love your photo story.

Supercool Hotmama said...

Awww! I bet he was choking back a few tears at that Homecoming! What sweet kiddos!

Julie said...

I know how hard it is to have your hubby gone all the time. I can tell Trevor misses him too.

What sweet pictures!! I can't believe you only have 14 days left! How exciting!!

Sneaky Momma said...

So sweet! I love the signs your little ones made for their daddy. :)

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