
Honesty from a Kid

I looked at my baby shower pictures with my 10 year old and asked "Do I really look that fat!?!"

He quickly thought it through and then responded, "It's only because of Laney (our soon to be newest addition)!"

I guess if you don't want to know the answer you shouldn't ask AND at least I have an excuse for now... :) I now only have one more week til baby comes...THEN I have to put down the half gallon of ice cream and hit the gym! ;)

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Cecily R said...

Actually, I think you look FABULOUS. I'm jealous. By 38 weeks I always look like I got run over a truck and even my toenails are pregnant.

Wooooo for one more week! So exciting!!

Amy said...

I thought you looked great. Just try to think of your shape from a 10 year old perspective. There is a picture of me preggo with my first that my 7 year old niece took. It made me sad and laugh all at the same time. Things look bigger from down there!
Yay! One more week!

Jen said...

I have to agree, you do look fabulous! I wish you all the best in the coming week. I hope that everything goes smoothly.

Dawn, said...

You are an adorable preggers gal. IN FACT... I personally think you should have 10 more babies you look so great, tee-hee!!

Izzy 'N Emmy said...

I think you look great in that photo! Enjoy that ice cream!

Mom24 said...

I think you look fabulous too! I'm very jealous. Enjoy that last week. How much ice cream can one consume in a week anyway? lol.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

The young and the old can get away with that, huh? My grand uncle told me when I was that close to delivering my 2nd that I was SO fat I would break the table! :)
You look great for being so close to due.

Chris said...

This is going to sound like I am REALLY trying to suck up, but I've always thought pregnant women were beautiful. There's just something about them -- maybe it's that "glow."

Hang in there for one more week!

Wayne said...

your not fat your just keeping the baby warm, great photo friday

Shannon Strong said...

That's too funny. You look adorable though :-)

Stefanie H said...

U don't look FAT.. just pregnant :)When me hannah and jessica left ur house the other night we actually said that we wanted to be a skinny pregnant lady like you haha..

karen said...

You look great and Chad is too sweet. Can't wait to meet Laney!!

kg said...

You look great! Can't wait to see her. Sorry I missed the shower!

Tiaras said...

so not fat girlie - so gorgeous!

Emily said...

Wow! Just one more week...congratulations! Enjoy that ice cream while you can and you look absolutely fabulous!!

Sneaky Momma said...

You look great! :)

Mama Zen said...

I think that you look fabulous!

Elaine at Lipstickdaily said...

No. 5 . . . you're so blessed!

Wendyrful said...

In the words of Billy Crystal, "You Look Maaaaarvelous!!!!!!!!"
Really you do! Kids! yes, don't ask! ;-0

Casey's trio said...

Cute story and what a beautiful family you have!

lisaschaos said...

Somehow I think they baby will keep you busy enough to not miss the ice cream, and maybe the baby can be you weight. :) I think you look great!

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