Alyssa has FINALLY, at age 8, learned how to ride her bike with no training wheels! YAY! She caught on fairly quickly and wants to ride her bike every sunny moment! I think it is such a sweet moment between a father and his child. My father taught me and I remember that day very well. He took me out in the morning and after a couple of hours he gave up, but I didn't! I didn't go inside ALL day until I had conquered it! No bathroom break (which is amazing for a 6 yr. old) and no eating breaks! I remember I finally got it right as the sun was going down, I was proud of myself! And I think my little Lys is VERY proud of herself too! She wants to ride her bike every day now! Way to go, LYS!!!
Another first was Laney's bath without umbilical chord! Bath time is so much easier without that thing...I think! :)
That's awesome Alyssa!! Grant hasn't reached this first yet...
Look at all those helpers with the baby too!
I thought it was horrible that Zach was so old when he learned, but then I realized it is so common for kids age 8 to learn that! Way to go Alyssa!!! I know she was so excited when she slept over to see Ranoah ride on two wheels.
I never knew it was a Dad thing though!! I am pretty sure one of my odler siblings taught me... and I have taught both of mine already. Fun times!!
I love when the umbilical cord falls off and the sponge baths can stop. Diapers changes are easier too! Sounds like you have a lot of help from you little mama. That's awesome her training wheels are off!
Hope- Ok it really isn't a Father thing, but that is who taught me and the one in our home who has the patience for teaching it and most of my friends were taught by their dads, so that is what I have known!;)
Everyone is learning how to ride bikes without training wheels...YEA!!
I love it when the umbilical cord falls off...baths are easier...everyday it gets a little easier.
Congrats Alyssa! Yay! How fun for you!
I had Rebekah in Europe with European dr's adn MW's. They give a full tub bath every day!!! they NEVER use alcohol to 'dry' the cord... Rebekah's card came off faster than Amanda's and I used alcohol on it... different customs different places. ;-)
I love seeing Tyson in his work/church clothes out in the cul-de-sac! Way to go, Alyssa! She's a great helper, too.
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