


Chad enjoyed doing this science project with his dad. Because of this science project and the Pinewood Derby, my dear hubby is behind in his homework, but he is glad (despite the stress) that he was able to make the time for his son, as am I. Chad and his dad enjoy this type of bonding, even if Chad didn't place in the Science Fair and he got almost dead last in the Pinewood derby. Though I am pleased to say that our car was Chaddy built and designed under the direction of his dad. Tyson only did a few things that Chad could not.

Chad also earned his arrow of light and I was sad that I couldn't be there to see the ceremony, cause I heard that it was awesome, but I was with my little dancer who is gearing up for her first recital.
We have been reading the Percy Jackson series like crazy over here (Chad enjoyed catching me on camera...good thing he didn't take a pic of what chaos lied around me from choosing to read over clean-ha). It is a neat and interesting story about a boy who is the son of a Greek God. I have always been a little intrigued by Greek mythology, but I also have a love/hate relationship with it. I love all the adventures and interesting details of the characters, but hate all the infidelity and lack of self control and integrity amongst beings that are supposed to be all powerful Gods.

Anyways, I took my oldest 3 kids and 3 of Chad's best buds to see it. It was interesting having 4, eleven to twelve year old boys in the car. I think I have heard enough about flatulence, peeing, and acid gas to last me a lifetime, but I also laughed harder than I have in a long time (only at a few things).

I was very disappointed that the movie wasn't like the book for the most part. They left out 2 of the main antagonists and put in some blatant sexual innuendos that we could have definitely done without. I also think Hades should have been played differently and by someone differently and WHY did they have to put Persephone in there, she wasn't even there in the first book? Other than all that I enjoyed it. The guy who played Percy, was awesome and was so PERCY. I think that if I saw it again I would enjoy it more because when I went into the theater I had just finished the series so it was all fresh in my mind.

Laney is now 10 months old and is all over the place. She now says "Baba" for bottle and "Ma" for more.
And the girls were all tickled pink when Grandma gave them the pajamas that she had been sewing for them. Lately this is how Alyssa poses for the camera...goofy. One day I will get a good smile gain. At least I hope. :)


Karen said...

Thanks for your snippets. It was fun to see you today. I look forward to your new camera. And your kids are growing up so fast.

Kimberly Cone said...

Way to go Chad! I keep wondering what the balance is between helping your kids on their projects and letting them do it themselves. I know I have a ways off for that but I think about these things in advance. :-)

Now I want to read these books.

Natalie said...

I love your snippets. Cute name for this post. Chad's project looks great. I was so happy to have Brielle's science fair project behind us. :) Your girls are really growing up and they are so cute in their new pajamas.

Sarah (and a few others) said...

HAHA! I love the picture of the crazy boys!!

kellibattraw said...

I love the snippets, and I also loved the first Percy Jackson book. Someday I'll get to read the others... Oh, and I share your love/hate relationship with Greek mythology. :)

Sara said...

I've been meaning to read those for awhile now, so now that I have an endorsement, I'll get right on it. I'm already dreading things like science fairs and dioramas. Ryan's going to have to take over on those!

Anonymous said...

Kimberly, balancing that is hard...especially for me when I want the control and if my kids aren't doing it the way I "know" ;) it is going to work, then I get frustrated. Still working on that one. And you should definitely read these books. Then let me know what you thought.

Sara- I have them if you wanna borrow them. Just come on over, let's have lunch and you can take them home. :)

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