
Joy of LOVE (Day 9)

Today the Joy of LOVE assignment theme is to document your loved one's passions or hobbies. All of my kids have two main passions/hobbies in common, music and art, but today I am going to focus on the birthday boy's newest passion/hobby that used to just be a dream.

I LOVE surprises to the point that I get very mad if someone spoils the ending of a movie, book or tells me something that was supposed to be a surprise. I like having something to look forward to and finding things out for myself. Chad on the other hand wants to guess at everything and wants to see it now! He gets that from his dad. I say that not only truthfully, but lovingly. :) It can be cute in its own way, so long as they remember to keep surprises for me quiet. :)

The time arrived for us to pick out that birthday gift and we were off to meet daddy at the office. Chad was at a loss as to what he could be getting and it left me with a smile cause usually that boy is good at guessing! An hour and a half later this is what he came home with...


I had mentioned it before on here, but this kid has wanted to play a violin since he was 2! He is in LOVE and says that is the most perfect birthday gift EVER! I enjoy the moments where you can help dreams become a reality, especially for your children.Now we have to work on Miss Bria being happy for him cause she has wanted to play it for a long time too! :)

Happy 12th Birthday, dearest Chad!


Sarah (and a few others) said...

yay! Sam just started Violin lessons, too. I don't know which is cuter, him or his little 1/10th size violin!

Quincy Sorensen said...

What a wonderful birthday present! (I'm with you, Sharon, I love surprises.)

danakat said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Chad! We love you and can't wait for your first violin concert!

hope said...

How exciting!!! And one of the best birthday gifts ever!!! (I am extremely biased!!!)

kellibattraw said...

That is really sweet, and I'm looking forward to working with him. : )

Multibeavo said...

Love your photo!! :)

Julie said...

I wanted to play the violin when I was a kid, but was forced to play the piano.

Gorgeous pic!

Natalie said...

What a wonderful birthday gift. And I love this picture of him with the violin.

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