Last night I was informed that we are moving to Russia! :) We were packed up and ready to leave the Rain gutter Regatta for the scouts and my son who had lost every race said he never wanted to go to scouts again and we're movin to Russia!!! LOL SOOOO Dramatic (girls are NOT the only ones, but boys have less), but I had to laugh! So NO, we are not REALLY moving there, but my son wants us to! LOL He had gotten his boat the night before and my husband had mutual on the night they got the boat and chad was already in bed when Tys got home and then he had to stay later at work on Thurs., so my poor kid had to do the boat all by himself. I tried to help a bit, but I am a first time rain gutter regatta mother, so I had no clue about the rules of putting the boat together...for Pinewood derby they have a TON of rules :) Anyways, it wasn't too bad for his first time on his year we'll be better prepared...I am experienced NOW! ha ha
SO...I am dedicating this lovely post to my first of many firsts and the kid who made me a mama! Why do I love this little rascal? Here let me tall ya...
...He is soooo funny! Last year for his book report he had to decorate a pumpkin as the main character and his was Captain underpants. One day i walked into the kitchen to start sewing and was looking for my pin cushion and when I found it, he had put the pins together to make a fighting ninja! It gave me a good laugh for the day! :)
...One day I came downstairs to him and Lys laughing soooo histerically they were almost hyperventilating and FOUND what they were laughing about! He had folded a ketchup packet in half and put it under the toilet seat and later on lys went potty and juuust as she sat down ketchup squirted ALL OVER her, the toilet and the wall! ha ha I had to laugh, it reminded me of the things I did as a kid, but I made him clean it up! LOL
...Although he is funny and scheming, he is VERY loyal and loving to his family! One day Lys went out to see a friend who had just finished swimming and the little girls brother started squirting Lys with a water gun and telling her to get away and she started crying, I was in the kitchen cooking and didn't know what was going on and then I hear Chad push the office chair (it rolls and it hit the desk) and he ran out the door and yelled "DON"T YOU DARE DO THAT TO MY SISTER!" He got right up into the face of this BIG 10 year old and didn't back down...Go Chad! He also "Saved" Bria from a bee...she wanted me to put that in there! :)
...Once he truely believes something or knows that it is true, he'll defend it come heck or high water!
...He loves his dad and they have such a special bond and I love that they have that, but he still loves being around me, though he has set the rules, no kissing him in front of friends. He loves me calling him baby, but NOT in front of "THE" friends. He will hug not kiss and make up! ha ha
...he's like one his Uncle's and loooves fire and like the most of the men in the family, he loves computer/video games...and is really good at them (the games). He can keep up with the adults that play all the time! :)
...he tries to be kind to everyone and he loves to joke around and wrestle...he and I play really rough sometimes and then I end up having 4 (even Heath gets in on the action!)against 1, unfair! ha ha I love that he and I can actually have conversations now and someone who understands some of my joking! The other kids are getting there, but he seems to understand the sarcasm a bit more ;)
...most importantly I LOVE the person he is becoming. There are so many times that he thinks I ride him too much and I guess I just see the potential and I have certain things that I am passionate about and want to instill in my kids. I guess I can sometimes get a little too uptight, but I love him and can see that he is a great kid and want him to be what the world needs...honest, capable, loving, compassionate, God fearing men! I hope I haven't ruined him yet! After all the first is the Guinea Pig! :) I love our CHADDY!
I love Chaddy too! He'll always have a special place in my heart. Can you believe how much our firsts have grown? Remember that time B flipped him off the seesaw?! LOL
when I first started reading this i was like. OMG she's moving to Russia!!??! haha Aw I remember when Chad was a little babya nd it was halloween and we were at church and you were holdin him and he was kinda jumping and i wanted to hold him and i always told Hannah he was teh CUTEST baby lol.
Firsts always hold a special place! And, I'm glad y'all aren't really moving to Russia, but you are the one family that would make me half-way believe it!
I have to admit that when I read the title I got my hopes up. : )
Okay, so you are just plain evil, making me think you are leaving me and going to Russia!! I was in shock for those 15 seconds!! Thinking, "Why didn't Shawn tell me?!?!?!", then of course I read on and felt a sigh of relief.
That is too funny. Drama comes out at the weirdest times with the boys!
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