For the past 3 weeks my life has been dedicated to my school. I ate, slept and breathed Interior Design. Luckily my hubby's ear didn't fall off during my long chats about my projects and the rules of design.

I would've had more of my project done a couple weeks ago, but I caught the Flu and it took me a long time to get over it and then each of my kiddos took a turn getting it one after the other(why couldn't they all get it at the same time?). So, for the past week I have stayed up until 2 a.m. finishing everything and was glad to finally present it to the class and teacher and hand it off to be graded! Though I still have my Architecture project to present on Monday and then it's back to my last 10 weeks of 3 more classes! YAY! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
I would like to thank a few people who have been key players in helping me go to school...my amazing hubby who has been a mom and dad for 3 weeks now and has cooked, tried to keep up with everything and cleaned what he could on top of his work hours! Thank you! To my sis for watching the kids every Wednesday so I could take my extra class and my hubby could do his calling with the Young Men. To Tylenol and all the drugs they make to help you feel goooood! To my supportive friends who have either watched my kids so I could finish projects or who called to just check up on me! And last but not least...Jane Austin and Charlotte Bronte for writing amazing stories that were made into movies to keep us entertained...especially in the late hours of the night and to Jerry Bruckheimer for the Pirate movies that kept me happy during the stress!
Now the unveiling of my projects! Drum roll please...

Super-great job! It all looks amazing! I can't believe all the itty pieces. Whew.
But that picture of you sitting on the couch with all your stuff spread out stresses me out. I'm just picturing the catastrophe that would have invited in my house. I have chills.
Can't wait to see and hear about your architecture class. Good luck!
Wow, I bet you are so relieved! It all looks great. Where did the past 10 weeks go? You will be done before you know it!
Yeah!! I am so happy for you!!! They all look wonderful!! You can come and practice on my house any time you want! ;)
By the way, love the necklace you are wearing in the picture of you working.
Also, we have to get the boys together to play this week during Spring Break. Zach is gonna flip with these girls here all the time!!
You are awesome!!
Sharon I'm so impressed... as if school isn't challenging enough, you're a wife and mother of four on top of it all! That is worthy of adoration!
Looks fantastic!
Awesome! I took an Int. Des. class in High school (a thousand years ago...). I really enjoyed it. Your projects look like TONS of work, but a lot of fun too!
Great job!
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