
The B-I-G 05!!! Happy B-day, Brianne!!!

She may be in a little body, but she has some BIG personality!!! She is sugar and spice with everything starting to be nicer! We definitely know that with out her, our lives would be a bit more boring. She is attached to each sibling in a different way and can run with the boys as much as she can with the girls!

For the longest time I was quite frustrated with this child. When we got rid of the crib she'd always come downstairs and as I walked over to her to put her back, she'd get her little cute grin on and say "i am soooo cute!" I would respond "Yes, you are! and you are VERY lucky you are!" She pushed the limits too far too many times and I was soooo done! But when she turned 3, she shed the demon child (really-I do love her-this is said all in humor) and became an angel! I can't believe that she'll be going to kindergarten soon. Heath and I won't know what to do with ourselves!

She was worth the 8 hrs. of labor and the half hour of back labor that was thrown in right at the end!!! We love you, as Heath-y would say, Ro-Ro!!!

Like they say "One picture is worth a thousand words!"


shari said...

How can Bria be 5 years old? You were just pregnant with her. I am so glad she is now an angel. I remember her at the top of the stairs at night determined not to go to bed! And at the VBC begging Clark to save her from her grandma. What a Cutie pie!!

kellibattraw said...

They grow up so darn fast! She is so cute! I'll tell you what my sister's pediatrician told her, with such cute kids you kind of owe it to the world to have another. : )
It was good to see you today...

Dawn, said...

Bria is so striking. I love LOVE little spitfires, especially girls! Go for it Bria, but be extra nice to Mommy while you conquer your world, grin.

danakat said...

I love that kid. She is so you....in all the good and firey ways. :)
Happy Birthday Bria!!

Lisha said...

I can't believe she is so old! I remember the days when Nate said she was his girlfriend...

Lacey Freeman said...

Wow! 5 already? I remember holding her one time at church and she fell asleep in my arms when she was just teeny!

I know how you feel about the demon child...hopefully when Chase turns three here in a few weeks his demoness will go away! He knows he's so cute too when he gets in trouble he tries to hard to schmooze you over! What boogers! =)

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