I have been glad that it's been a better week. I had a case of Spring Fever and every time I get that way I start getting plant happy, so we have been doing a little bit of yard work here and there when time permits and it's been nice to have a slight change in pace! Our flowers are doing great this year and we still have some transplanting to do, more soil and mulch to bring in and some more tweaking here and there to do to come closer to finishing my landscape design, but I have been happy to see some pretty things out my office window! Here are some pics of some of the beauty! Disregard the un-mowed grass...er I mean weeds!

I love the carmel colored huchera with the purple! good placement. your yard looks better this year. let's hope we don't get another late freeze again this year.
Incredible! I haven't seen your yard since way back when you first moved in. I have landscapers envy. Keep going so when we actually get closer to putting plants in the ground I can steal all your good ideas, giggle.
I loved walking around them Wednesday when taking Chad home. They are lovely!
I like your header!
I love being able to change things around. Too bad Steve doesn't share that same sentiment when it comes to furniture. :)
You have a beautiful yard... the gardens are definitely something of the south to appreciate! : )
P.S. I love your blog makeover. It looks great!
Sharon, are there four of you?? Seriously, how do you keep up with all those kids, a husband, a house, school, broken legs, sliced fingers, the flu, and then landscape your yard (and keep up with this blog)??? You are an amazing woman! Your yard looks so beautiful. I bet you all will enjoy many beautiful summer evenings out there....
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