I have 3 weeks of 2 classes, 4 weeks of 1 class, less than 3 weeks till the wedding reception I am planning and a full and busy summer of scout camp (one week without my hubby), boy scout day camp, 2 vacations, Myrtle Beach and Jesup, GA...can't wait for JESUP!!! That is the only vacation that I leave feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world! May be it has to do with the fact that we will be with my Dad and that we are CONSTANTLY out doors, which I LOVE, especially there....even though it's hotter than the devils dwelling...and quite bit more humid than here!!!
I am like that little train going up hill! So many things going on and so many things that are challenging. Stretching me like taffy! I guess I wouldn't learn much without all the stretching! :) But through it all I have had an amazing and supportive husband! I say this in adoration and gratitude toward my man! Not in any way trying to make my life (or hubby) look or seem perfect in any way. I am soooo not like that! I can tell ya right now, my hubby could never stand over the pulpit and say I have always supported him without complaint...though like most people who do say such things, he might forget with age and actually say it! :) Of course I couldn't say the same about him either...hee hee hee! But he has taken the kids, let me emphasize ALL of the kids on a few long grocery trips when I was in the middle of all my projects or at school and couldn't go my self (great! There goes any of my excuses to go without the kids!) He has cooked and cleaned waay more than I have ever seen him do, given baths, he helped run kids here and there and still keeping up with his very busy calling at church! So, thank you, thank you, Tys for being so supportive in the things that I choose to do and urging me to go back to school. It's not very often that I am able to just do what I want to do and doing a 2 year program in a year has been trying, but I think that when I look back on it all I will be glad because I have learned and have grown so much! I will also be free again! I can be a full-time mommy again! I can't tell you how much I have missed that! I used to wish that I could be more pro-active in the community or have a career and make "something" of myself, but through all of this hustle and bustle I have realized where my priorities lie and they aren't outside of the home! My time now is to be a mother and I wouldn't mind doing a few things here and there, but I want to make sure that my kids and hubby(and I guess myself too) are taken care of first and that I don't try to do too much because I think that is easy to do when we live in a society where our talents and efforts can take us far! Of course, does it really make us happy? Does it really fill that empty void for validation? I have been learning that loving who you are and loving and being kind to others are what really fill any voids we may feel within our own lives.
I hope this makes sense. I am not sure that I could fully convey all the things that I have been learning through all of this, but more than anything I just wanted my hubby to know that his love and efforts are not unseen!
You can do it Sharon! Keep on chugging along. :) By the way, what a cute family picture.
You're almost done! It actually seemed to go really fast (well, for me anyway). Yay for Tyson for being such a great husband/dad and yay for you for going after your dreams.
You are such a cute little family! I love that picture.
Sharon, you and Tyson are amazing to be able to juggle through all that. It is so nice to have friends who honor and say good things about their spouse. So many women spend their girl talk bashing on their husbands. It's great to hear the opposite. You do have a great guy and he has a great lady!
I hope these last few weeks go as smoothly as possible. Good luck!
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