
And the Winner is...

Those who commented have guessed right! I am 7 weeks pregnant! I have craved dill pickles, black olives and anything with protein! I have been a bit nauseated, but not as sick as I normally get(Thank Goodness)--you know laid out ALL day either barfing or wishing to barf for 3-4 months!!! Though as the days go by I am getting a little more sick(mostly in the evenings).

The kids all jumped and shouted for joy when we announced we are preggers ! My belly has been kissed and patted more than Madonna! The kids kept it a secret for almost a full 2 weeks until we could go to the doctor to find out how far along we are. I was amazed! They are great kids! :) Of course they are all happy they can spill the beans now!

I just worry that I won't be able to juggle it all and that I won't have a social life! But God is good and he sends blessings to those who accept His will and try to do what they can and endure along the way! So, I am ok with it and am excited to shop(anyone wanna join?)! I had gotten rid of several things because I was determined to prove the man upstairs that I was DONE(or maybe convince myself)! Obviously didn't work! ;) LOL


karen said...

You know where I live if ever need ANYTHING. I am available ANYTIME too.

Lacey Freeman said...

CONGRATS! No offense, but I am SO glad that I am not you...I only have 8 weeks to go! That is exciting though! =)

Stefanie H said...

omg Congrats!!! :) I saw ur status on facebook and was like No Way!!

BAMAGurleyGirl said...

awwwww - congrats! I will go shopping with you anytime :)

Rose said...

Congrats Sharon that is wonderful! You and Tyson are great parents.

Sarah (and a few others) said...

Found you!!
Maybe I'll get my clothes out of storage in time for you to borrow them...If i don't need them first! :)

Amy said...

That is so exciting! I'm so happy for you guys.

Hannah Marshall said...

you are atill in trouble for not telling my mom and i ;) it's ok i'll forgive you after you take us out! :) haha this is SOO exciting and stop asking about when i'll have big news! not for a while :)

kellibattraw said...

Congratulations Sharon! I'm so excited and happy for you and your family. You and Tyson are great parents and any child blessed to come into your home is lucky! : )

snbjork said...

You go girl! You can do anything, I think you've proved that over the last couple of years!

I'll be your shopping buddy anytime. =)

Dahnelle said...

I seem to be a little late to the party, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You held off for a while, but you know you couldn't resist being pregnant at the same time as Krista and I again!!!

Wendyrful said...

WoW! Big News!!!!!!! How exciting!!! Congrats, and you'll do great, of course!

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