I have always wondered what I'd look like with a new do! A friend of mine had this on her website,
wellbehavedkrissy, and I thought it'd be fun to try! You just put a pic of you up and tweak it a bit and then you have a new you...an old yearbook photo you!
The funny thing is that I have pics of my mom with a couple of these hair dos and I remember many of the 80's and 90's funky hairstyles myself (beauty really is in the eye of the beholder)!
You can go to
www.yearbookyourself.com to enjoy some of the laughter!

1960 me

below is my mom(scarey how alike we look)!




Here is the picture that I used for these pics! Hmmmmm...I think I like my hair a little better! :) What do you think?
I love the one where you look like your mom and I love the 1960s one. Hilarious. LOVE IT!
Sharon, you look gorgeous in just about any do. (Is that why you're pregnant again?)
Now I didn't necessarily need to see such a strong similarity between you and my mother-in-law...
You and your mom are identical! That is just crazy!
I think you look cute in the older styles, and you do look A LOT like your mom! But I think the 80's and 90's are best forgotten. I tried that site myself a couple of days ago, but I couldn't get a picture of me that worked very well.
I think it is great that you and your mom look so similar. That is somehting fun to pass on to our children.
Love the do's!!
Oh, and how many times is Tys going to announce that YOU ARE PREGGERS?!?!?! (Just kidding. Not that he is a proud Daddy or anything!)
The 80s one is hilarious! I will never understand that decade and what people saw in all that big hair and flashy clothes. I think the 60s hair do suits you the best (current hair do excluded).
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