I decided that when I had my kids I would read more to them and encourage that side to them because it was never my first instinct to read a good book. I think if a parent reads to his/her children that usually guarantees a kid that will read on his/her own. So, I have been scouting for new books that the kids and I can read either together or I read first then allow them to read it(my son started reading Ender's Game and quickly put it down because of the swear words--Yay for him! So now I read first).
I found these books that I love! Chad has started them and really likes them too. We have to threaten him to put the book down when it is time for chores or dinner because he is so into them! So pick one up and read and let me know what you think! The author is really good at only putting things in that need to be in the story and evenly developing characters, plot and setting. I really enjoyed his writing style! Though I have to admit that I love the 2nd book the best so far! Can't wait to crack open the 3rd book!

and the third one is even better than the second...we are dying for the fourth one around here!!!
I have heard good things about Fable Haven. I have been trying to convince my kids to read them because I am not an avid reader, and if they were to wait for me to read it... Well, let's just say they would be finishing college or giving me my first grandchild by that point.
That is why I have been reading to my kids since day one. I don't like to read. I love literature, but I can't bring myself to read anything longer than 30 minutes. With the exception, lately, of the D&C and my mom's journals. I am getting better at it, but still, that is the only reason I am not in book club.
I have a hard time believing that you didn't used to read... :)
I have never even heard of these books! And I need something to read besides the Berenstein Bears so it looks like I will be visiting the library soon. I still haven't asked what you thought about Breaking Dawn...
I didn't read much growing up either because I was a slow reader. Like Sharon said, we've tried to make sure the kids feel it's important to read. I've read more too since being an adult than as a child. Chad has been through all 7 Harry Potter books and all kind of other stuff. Alyssa loves to read too. It's great to see my kids perhaps developing something that I developed late.
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