There have been some days I want to pull my hair out because the bickering over chores either with me or with each other will not subside and it is much more tempting to just do it myself! BUT one day I woke up to dishes being done at around 6:45 a.m. I looked next to me to see that Tys was still in bed! I got up to see CHAD doing the previous nights dinner dishes! Then he picked up the living room and asked me what else he could do. Then he had some Wii time. This went on for the next week (our last week of Christmas Break) and eventually I found out he was doing it to get Wii time or other time with either computer, movies or friends. Maybe our constant trying to drill in our kids heads "Work before play" has finally sunk into someone or maybe it's just that he finally realizes if he does something that makes us happy he gets something he wants and likes in return! :) Either way...no complaints from me!
He still asks what needs to be done when he comes home from school (periodically) and without expectations now! He is more willing to do what needs to be done...with the occasional eye roll and murmuring under his breath, but Hey I will take what I can get!
That's a great feeling when they suddenly "get it" - but then there is always that niggling "how long will this last" thought too. Hopefully it will last a good long while! Your kiddos are all so sweet and I LOVE getting my B hugs!
How awesome that he likes to help out. I only wish mine were more helpful.
Thank you for your comment on my blog! We love the name Brayden too-thank you! Your little ones are precious btw. Have a great week.-Shannon
Chad must be a pre-teen... I found there was always method to their madness all through the teen years.... but hopefully they will learn all those important lessons we want them too along the way like GreatGrandma Horrocks saying: "You don't have to help; you GET to help" or Aunt Teresa's: "Because you'll get a warm feeling in your heart, that's why." :)
Your blog is fun...keep it up!
Chad is the best! And he's setting a good example, too! Maybe they'll all be doing chores soon, and you can retire...maybe...ahhh...
Wow, how lovely to have some little hands to help out! It must be so awesome to have those moments when you feeling all the teaching (nagging) has paid off a little. =)
Thanks for visiting my blog. Just thought you'd like to know that I always read your posts. I just haven't taken the time lately to comment (on anyone's blog, really). I am enjoying keeping up with you and your super-human ways!
Smart boy. If my kids did things without being asked, I'd give them whatever they wanted!
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