
PSF #4--A Baby's Blanket

Tradition has always been an important part of my life. I am not sure if it is because my mom passed away when I was 5 years old and it gives me something more to hang on to or if it is just a part of who I am, but tradition is something I hold very dear.

One of the traditions that I hold dear is making a crocheted afghan for each of my children before they are born. I am 7 weeks away from having baby #5 and have finished a new blanket pattern that I found rather unique and beautiful in it's own right. It reminds me of the ocean waves and the soothing sounds of the waves crashing upon the shore. It reminds me of Spring when everything is clean and new. Just like a new and clean baby is being brought into this world.

As I was making this baby's blanket my youngest son started calling each hexagon that I was working on "pancakes" and made sure that they were all stacked just right or else he'd have to get onto you about that. He is normally my kid that is all over the place, doesn't want a lot of rules and regulations and loves getting dirty, but is showing signs of perfectionism in areas that are surprising. Kids never cease to amaze I guess! :) He has been so into the process of making this blanket and getting more and more excited as I got closer to being done that he couldn't keep his little fingers off of it! I had to crochet 52 of the "pancakes", then sew 3 rows of 8 and 4 rows of 7 in strips. Then I had to sew each strip together, which took forever, and then had to crochet around the outer edge a couple of times. I love that feeling of accomplishment and it is also nice to cross something off of the "To Do" list! Especially when you are in the nesting phase zone!

Chad's baby blanket--the very first one I have made. It is was my first project to learn on!

Alyssa's blanket

Bria's blanket with a macro of the edging design below

Heath's blanket

All the blankets in color!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Quincy Sorensen said...

Sharon, these blankets are truly beautiful! I had no idea you have this amazing talent. What a special tradition. I am very impressed!

Rebekah said...

This is an astounding talent! What beautiful blankets. Guess i know who to contact once i'm married and pregnant. :]

BTW you are quite beautiful. What a radiant mother you are. I just love the expecting glow. :]

Chris said...

Wow -- you certainly have crossed some things off of your to do list.

I have a lot of admiration for people who create with their hands.

Nicely done.

snbjork said...

Sharon, I feel like I learn something new about you everytime I read your blog. I didn't know you were capable of such things. You're incredible! I love each of the baby blankets. They are all so unique. Good for you!

Someday, when you have some spare time (ha!) you should teach me how to make one of those beauties. =)

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Gorgeous! Sharon, you are one talented lady.

I am a mom of 5 -- lots of work but the best job in the world. I see lots of goodies to read about around here and on your other blogs. I'll be back later to explore further. Nice to meet you. : D

Corey~living and loving said...

they are all beautiful. I used to crochet all the time, and baby blankets are my fav. :)
happy PSF!

Wendyrful said...

WoW Sharon!!! Those are all so gorgeous! And you tought yourself how to do all of this! Wow! amazing!

Sneaky Momma said...

These are beautiful! Your children will love these as babies, and even more as they grow older.
I just finished a baby clothes for my 3 year old daughter. I can imagine how hard you worked on those blankets!

Indrani said...

Beautiful blankets of love for your children!
I admire you and your talent!!

danakat said...

I didn't realize people didn't know you crocheted. Interesting.
Well, I've seen each blanket from the planning to the executing to the completion and I can verify that each one is beautiful and much loved by each child.
And I feel very blessed to have one of your special blankets for K. Everytime I see that blanket, I remember that time in our lives. A gift for me too.

Amy said...

You are so talented! Amazing patterns. The first blanket is about as good as I can crochet. Aren't traditions great!

kmmclain said...

Those are beautiful. I did that with each of my kids, but I still need to finish Emily's. I'm sure they will treasure them.

Izzy 'N Emmy said...

You are so very talented!! I am in awe of your tradition and the beauty you have created!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Very nice blankets! good job!

T~T said...

those are gorgeous - my husband's cousin made us a blanket for each baby as well!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

These blankets and photos were so lovely, I can almost feel the texture!

Michelle said...

What a wonderful tradition. I still have the blanket my Grandma made me when I was 8. :)

kg said...

Wow, I'm so impressed!!

kellibattraw said...

I'm so amazed at your talent! What lucky children you have. They will cherish those blankets always.

Sara said...

So when you said you were making a blanket for Laney I had no idea how intricate it would be or that you had made one for your other kids. It is beautiful and I can't wait to see it in person!

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