Chad" My friend, William's crab is mating."
Me:(I was kind of caught of guard by this one) "What do you mean by "mating"?"
Chad: "Well the crab swings it's arm above it's head and the girl thinks he is attractive."
Me: (trying to draw out more from him and trying not laugh at the visual of some female thinking a guy is cute by his arm swing) "Yeah, but what is mating?"
Chad: "They make babies." Said so matter of fact!
Me:(GREAT! Did we wait too long to talk about the birds and the bees?) "Dooooo you know HOW they make babies?"
Chad; "No"
Me:(Pheeeeew! But I have to ask) "Do you WANT to know."
Chad: (he looks kind of uncomfortable and ready to leave by this point...he hates long talks and knows that this one is gonna be a long one) "Ummmmm...Not until 5th grade!"
Then he is on his merry little way and I am done sweating because my little kid still wants to be a little kid...well at least for a little while longer! I have NOT missed my opportunity as a parent to tell him about the birds and the bees, but I better get to it soon before he hears it from some other kid!
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
How sweet. Just keep the lines of communication open.
They grow so fast. Good luck on that talk.... slip it in a little at a time.
I love that last shot!
What girl can resist waving arms...rofl! Glad he is telling you when he is ready. Kids start talking about it at school a lot sooner than you would like to think.
What a wise little boy. They definately have a different perspective after they obtain this certain bit knowledge.
your only as young as you feel.
great photo friday
lol, close call! 5th grade is around the corner. hA!
Wow that was close. I am dreading that conversation as well. But I love how he put limits on his own knowledge, that is so funny.
embrace those special him through them...and he'll never forget you for it. It will give him a voice of truth to lean on as he's making future decisions...and he'll have the knowledge of real rather than perceived (from his buddies)
Not such a fun conversation to think about having with my kids...
My parents never talked about anything with me, so I definitely want to take advantage of any opportunity I will have to teach my children. (As awkward and uncomfortable as it may be.)
Your kids are so cute!
The innocence of childhood... Chad is such a good boy!
How funny... and teh arm swing thing for the crab! what a riot!
They do the school classes on that birds and bees stuff in 5th grade... I'd get to it before then. :-) I'm sure you've heard Rebekah's funny story from japanese school! Yikes!
Whew is right!! I would be sweating in my boots during that whole conversation!!
By the way, I don't know about you, but MY husband did a lot of arm waving to attract me...haha. :)
Good for you to do some probing. Next time I see Tyson waving his arms around you, I'll get it.
Wait a minute -- you mean swinging my arms above my head doesn't...well, that explains a LOT.
That conversation comes along quicker than you think. My daughter just had 5th Grade maturation this week. They gave her a little bag of "female" items, and called it her "Happy Bag" -- talk about mixed messages.
So funny! Usually they want to be grown's nice when they realize how great it is to be a kid. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
Yeah, we had a special class just for the girls in fifth grade, too. I think our teacher was more embarrassed than we were.
loved the story, and yeah some kid will probably tell him tomorrow :)
Here’s my photo story happy Friday!
Enjoying all your updates and pictures of sweet Laney!!
Too cute! I never asked, so finally my mom just told me - I thought it sounded so gross! :)
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