The blanket that Laney is swaddled in is the BEST swaddling blanket we have ever owned and they are adorable too! They are made out of muslin. You can get them at
One month has seemed to just fly by! Laney is doing better and is 9 lbs. 7 oz. and 21 1/2 in. long. She now sleeps on average 5-6 hrs a night! Woo-Hoo! None of my other kids have done that at such a young age. This is awesome to us because we thought we were in for a long haul of every 2 hrs. for another month or two! Of course we have the swing to thank for that. That is one of her favorite things so far aside from mommy holding her. When she is awake she tries to coo and seems to enjoy herself more than she did a week or two ago! She is still eating every two hrs. throughout the day, but I am fine with that as long as she continues to sleep 5-6 hrs. at night! She is also getting that dreaded baby acne, but we think her cuteness still outshines it all! :)
A month already! So sweet!
Sharon, you're a wonderful mother. I'm glad to be the proud father standing next to you. She's beautiful, isn't she - she got that from you, right?
Did you know Asher weighs over 11 pounds already? And he eats every two hours all day and night. You deserve your baby Laney to sleep at night after everything you have going on and 5 childrend to boot. She looks adorable.
She is such a beauty! Baby acne is kinda cute i think ;)
Such a little sweetie. She is just adorable and such a Horrocks. It cracks me up how much she looks like the rest of them.
seriously? ONE MONTH? you're lying. no way.
I agree, how has one month passed already? She is a BEAUTIFUL baby! And you are a wondeful mother!
She is precious and has already gotten so big! Glad she is sleeping so nicely!
She is absolutely beautiful- she fits right into your cute family. I can't wait to join you as a new mom. : )
She is adorable!! I saw you at church but didn't get to say hi!! HI!! We need to do a girls night this summer, maybe July ish??
Where does the time go??? a month already??? She is still adorable!
My oldest had baby acne so bad she looked like she had chicken pox! poor thing!
What a perfect baby! this month has flown least for seems like she just got here.
way too sweet!!!!!!!!
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