
Forever Young

Growing up there were many books and movies that entered my life that spoke of the fountain of youth and had epic trials to try and find such a thing. I found it...the secret of being young again! It was right under my nose.

After some time sitting back admiring the kids in their play from a distance this sweet woman got up and sat in the water, basking in the sun, fully allowing the waves to bury her legs in the sand and the most beautiful thing of it all was when she turned towards me and a smile of pure happiness swept across her face. For a minute, she was young again!

I was inspired.

That day after I put my camera away I rolled my pant legs up, splashed in the water with my kids and husband, allowed the water to bury my feet deeply in the sand while encouraging my kids to do the same and we all took turns getting buried in the sand, except for me(I drew the youth line there)! :) WE were young again. We felt pure happiness because we were LIVING and LOVING what we had...each other!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Ah so true, it's the little things, the times when we let our hair down and just enjoy the moment!

Rebekah said...

wow sharon. that. was. amazing.

I have a question. can i have a copy of the "Be inspired..live laugh love" picture to hang in my dorm?

i'll even pay for it.


Ryanne said...

That is the way I want to stay young...playing with my kids. It has worked for my Mum all these years, and now that all her kids are "grown" she is staying young with her grandkids! And let me just say, I love the picture, it is marvelous!

hope said...

Ditto, Rebekah!! I love that story, Sharron! I am finding that here on vacation as well. We often forget to live simply, I think, when we are busy managing little lifestyles around us. But sometimes it is important to roll of your pantlegs and let the waves take control!!

Sara said...

The beach has a way of making us all feel young again. I'm glad you put your camera away and got in the sand with your kids!

Emily said...

That really is sweet...and inspiring.

Chris said...

Very inspiring! I think it's so important for everyone to find that thing that keeps them young.

Sarah (and a few others) said...

I think that's my mom in the sand there. She's the biggest kid ever, and my role model.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

That is awesome. Great photo, great post all around. What an inspiring story! Thank you so much for sharing this.

danakat said...


Honey Mommy said...

Love the photo and the story!

Now I just wish I lived near the beach!

Izzy 'N Emmy said...

Beautiful! The photos are great! Great PSF!!

CC said...

beautiful!!!!!! I'm learning to put the camera away too....

Jennifer said...

What a great day at the beach! Glad you had fun!

lisaschaos said...

Inspiring indeed! I love anything that transforms me back to my younger self. :)

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

You are on the right track!!

Wendyrful said...

Wow! What beautiful thoughts! I need to take the time to 'play' with my kids more often! I'm not a very 'playful' mom. One of my favorite memories of my mom was a day when somehow she got involved in a waterfight with my brothers... the hose was on, and water was flying everywhere! There was mom in her pink and white dress... out there right in the middle of it all!!! Somewhere there is a picture in an album of that day... (I'll have to see if I can get my brother to make a copy of it for me. Thanks for bringing back fond memories).

Michelle said...

I couldn't have said it any better. :)

Holly at Tropic of Mom said...

Aw! I love this post. Thanks for the great reminder.

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