
My Best Friend and Happy Father's Day!

Tys, my hubby, is my best friend. He is the one I think of first when I have something exciting to share or things I would like to get off my chest. He is there. We sometimes look at each other and marvel that we ever got together because if you know us really well you know that we are very different in many ways (like he was the perfect teen and I was the rebel), but the funny thing is we agree almost 100 % on any subject...though I am way more passionate about my opinions then he is..he keeps me grounded! :)

He is the best dad for our kids and they all adore him. As a matter of fact tonight after he got home from school he sat with Laney for a bit and got waaaaay more vocal sounds, laughter and smiles than I have in 2 days (now how is THAT fair?)! :) So, Happy Father's Day to a great Father and Husband!
Happy Father's Day to my dad a.k.a Granddaddy whom I greatly love and admire!
...and happy Father's Day to my father in law who is a great dad and Grandpa!


Lisha said...

What a great post!

Natalie said...

I love the picture of Tyson and the baby sleeping! Is that Laney bug? Too cute!

Quincy Sorensen said...

These really are wonderful men.

Sandra said...

You've got some great men in your life and in the lives of your children. What a blessing!

Tyson said...

Thanks for the kind comments, Sharon. Thank you for being a wonderful companion and for being the lady that made me a father.

karen said...

Ahhhh. How nice. Have a great time in GA!

Holly at Tropic of Mom said...

Very sweet! I love your family photo.

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