
My Girls

I took my girls to see Harry Potter! The older two. The youngest stayed home with daddy and a bottle! :) We all had a blast despite the Dr. Pepper spilling all over my pretty white shirt just as the movie started and the popcorn that spilled on the floor and every so often a crunch, crunch could be heard as the lady next to us repositioned herself in her chair AND two of us had to make a quick dash to the bathroom, while leaving the other kid during the build up of an intense moment, because we drank WAY too much too fast! :o My arms were gripped by my gals during intense moments and my ear talked off as they analyzed the movie walking to the car! Of course I LOVED it all!

I look forward to more date nights and the time when Miss Laney will join us. I look forward to future shopping trips, girls weekends and when my kids have their own kids and our friendship will be taken to a new level, but I know that one day I will miss what I see in this picture. They will indeed grow up and this will all be memories that are forever cherished. I love sharing their childhood and seeing them grow into good and loving people. I LOVE my girls (and boys too)!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Cecily R said...

I like being able to say "the girls" when I'm talking about Gracie and Evie. I don't know why, it just sounds good to me. I'm glad you had such a great time with yours...despite your Dr. Pepper and popcorn mishaps.

Maggie May said...

Slow down...... they grow up so fast. Enjoy them being little cos it is all over in a flash.
Loved reading about the outing together.

Kim Mayfield said...

How fun! I love being able to go out with my girls, too! They grow up so very fast, so enjoy each and every moment!

Wayne said...

Wow how was the new harry potter movie,?

great photo friday

Emily said...

So fun! I cannot wait until I can do grown up things like that with my daughter!

Izzy 'N Emmy said...

Such a sweet, sweet photo! I love having the "girls" to spend time with too. I cannot wait until they are old enough for the movies.

Natalie said...

Sounds like a very fun girls day! And that is a really sweet picture of all three of your adorable girls!

hope said...

I need to get better with date night. Although it would help if Daddy were here more often. No complaints though... I have had them all to myself for a week, and still going for another. Business trips can be a drag... or they can be relaxing. I go for the latter. Your girls are adorable!!

snbjork said...

Yay, girls night out! How fun!!! I thought Harry Potter was quite good. Never as good as the books, but that's to be expected, of course. I think it's great you got the chance to take your girls out. =)

karen said...

Love your new pictures. Your girls are adorable.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

What a fun evening. It is great having a girls day. And it is amazing how quickly they grow.

Sara said...

Glad to hear you liked the movie! I've been debating about whether or not to see it, so now I guess I will! How fun you got to go with just the girls too.

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