
Miss Independent


7 years ago on tax day, a little girl named Bria, was born to a family that still had a lot to learn about "personality" and "the kid's mind". The oldest 2 children were quiet and reserved, playful, somewhat energetic, but had never had a time out in preschool.

3 years later, Miss Bria, who was quite beloved by all who met her, had a time out! Then another and another! Where had the parents gone wrong? What could they have done differently to avoid a 3 year old prodigal daughter!?! Oh the shame of it all!

They researched books on children and were more consistent in their discipline methods. Had more play dates to keep the child interested in socializing and learning proper social behaviors. Then a little boy tried taking her toy and that was the end of all things proper. She wasn't letting anyone tell her what to do or take anything that was rightfully hers. She was *gasp* INDEPENDENT!!! Every parent's worst nightmare! A child with a mind of her own!?! What would the neighbors think?

As the years went on this child showed her parents who was boss. Clothing, playtime, toys and food (especially the food) was all on her terms. If she didn't like it she wasn't going to wear, play or eat it! This was her life and she was determined to be the one to steer it her way.

Through much patience, time and teaching this child has learned that there are some things that have to be done a certain way or else unwanted consequences follow, but her parents also have learned, from experience, that it can always get worse. The girl who was once deemed a "Rebel Without a Cause" is now more angelic since the birth of her cute, but energetic and stubborn, younger brother. All mischief and challenge that was faced with her, was blown completely out of the water. Of course now the parents who once worried that their parental duties weren't up to snuff if their child showed some "personality" laugh when a child gets timeouts in preschool because they know, they and their child, will survive!

HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY, Miss Bria! You bring much happiness, laughter and love to our family and we couldn't have had a great family without you being in it!


hope said...

She is an amazing person to know! So lively and sweet and caring!! Love the pic of her! Beautiful!

Amy B. said...

Love the post. Happy Birthday Bria! Beautiful picture of her.

Karen said...

7. It's hard to believe. Happy Birthday Bria.

Sarah (and a few others) said...

We love Bria!! happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my sweet, spunky Bria-Boo! I love you to pieces and can't wait until next year when you can visit me and grandaddy.

Love, Aunt 'Shell

Jenni said...

Oh My 7! Happy Birthday Bria girl! I love your sweet hugs and your shy smile!

shari said...

Wow! Where has the time gone? I remember coming to the hospital with Kimberly to see you and Bria. She was a beautiful baby and now a beautiful 7 year old girl. Happy Birthday Bria!

kg said...

Happy birthday Miss B! I love this picture of her, she's beautiful!

Sara said...

7 already? I know I say that every time one of your kids has a birthday, but I feel like they all grow up so fast. Maybe because I don't see them as much as I used to. Bria's independent personality will take her far in life!

Natalie said...

Happy Birthday Bria! What a beautiful 7 year old! I enjoyed reading all about her little personality!

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