
Brayden-5 months

Last April I was supposed to have an awesome baby shower for one of my dearest friends. She was happily due the very last day of May. Then much to everyone's surprise little man, Brayden, decided to make his grand entrance 8 weeks early! He was healthy and happy despite his early entrance. I guess he was too excited and just HAD to come down right then, but not right there, there was still time to get to the hospital. I am sure Melissa was glad of that! ;)

We ended up having the shower at the tail end of June. It turned out great thanks to many of her awesome friends that helped pull it together. :)

I always joke with Melissa, who has her kids early (each one has gotten earlier for her), that she can give me her earliness and I can give her some of my due date lateness. The world would be a much happier place, for all involved, if we could do such a thing. *sigh*

I recently was able to practice my photo skills on such a cute little guy and I have to say that they turned out great. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I was also glad to take a picture of the blanket I had made cause I had forgotten to before handing it over. It is one WARM blanket and I want one of my own now. ;) It is the brown crocheted blanket. Melissa and I got some good laughs out of the process as well as the many faces that Brayden would give, but this little guy is not only adorable, but such a happy, smiley baby. Well at least whenever I see him he is. ;-)
















And of course I had to throw in the one of big sister sweetly asleep! So cute!



Rachel @ The Little Blue Room said...

Wonderful and beautiful. Laughed out loud at the cuteness of the butt shots with the lion.

Tyson said...

Good shootin', Tex! Uh, I mean great photos! And FYI - put me on the list for a big thick crocheted blanket as well.

Jennys Quilts said...

These pics turned out great!!! Good job, they are cute.

Wendyrful said...

Great Pics! He is a Handsome boy!!! love them!

Lisha said...

Great job!

kellibattraw said...

Beautiful pictures of an adorable baby!

Natalie said...

Great job Sharon. I'm sure Melissa is so happy to have these. He sure is an adorable baby boy!

Melissa and James said...

They turned out great! Thanks Sharon I love them!

Unknown said...

Really great pics I love them! Maybe you should do this for a living.

Anonymous said...

I always motivated by you, your thoughts and attitude, again, appreciate for this nice post.

- Murk

Julie said...

What great pics! Can you send me some tips? I want some cool newborn pics of baby #3! :)

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