My oldest is turning 12 this week. It seems like it was yesterday that he was coming home for the first time, taking his first steps, saying his first words and flying his first love around the house. He was never a toy person. More like play guns, missiles and airplanes. Those were the only things that he would usually touch in his room or friends homes. Of course video games has crept into his list of loves too, but flying would trump it all. He hopes to one day be a pilot. If he can't get into the Airforce to fly an F-22 Raptor, he will go to the Navy then to the Army until he can be a pilot.
There are a few things that he has said he'd like to do in his life since he was about 2 years old. He has always wanted to be in the military, play the piano, violin and get married. We have the piano, soon to be violin for his birthday and we will leave the military and married life to him. :) I love this kid and his big dreams. I hope that one day he can make those dreams come true.
He is an amazing young man! His attitude towards his sisters and friends is what amazes me the most!
He is going to be 12???!!! How can that be? I enjoyed learning a litle more about him.
I LOVE that kid and his big dreams too. Doug and Brent were very much like him in the love of the military, planes, and war-type of games. They used to play Dungeons and Dragons for hours on end and would draw lots of pictures of these subjects.
My mouth hit the floor when I realized Chad will be a Deacon. Hard to believe.
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