
Miss Sicko Returns

I had to come home a day early, but luckily the kids and Tys were able to stay until the end. I ended up catching a ride home with my brother in law and his wife. My throat had been hurting a little before I left for the camping trip, but I just thought that it was my looovely allergies acting up. After the first night there, I was proven wrong. I started to feel kind of crappy when I had woken up, but I was still able to join in on the fun. Some of us took a 2 mile hike and then when we got back to camp a few of us took naps, me included, and when I woke up I felt worse and it just got worse from there. I had the body aches, sore throat, and a slight fever. That night we sat around the camp fire after we took showers and I was so drained that I couldn't join in on the fun story telling. Tyson's dad was telling us a few fun ones and the kids were all laughing pretty hard during one of them. I just sat slumped in my seat trying to stay warm even though I wasn't too far from the big fire. my brother in law and his family were having to leave that night because he had to work, so i thought that it was the best thing for me to leave. I took little Heat-o with me and I had a hard time leaving all my other kids with out their mommy. Chad had a hard time with it because he said he wanted me to stay with him, but the girls gave me hugs and said they'd take up more responsibility and help their daddy.

One of my friends went to Korea for the next week and so I have one of her kids for awhile and he went with us and was really enjoying himself! He fit right in with the rest of the family too! when i develop the pics I will definately post for everyone to see all the fun and I will have to tell of our little adventure of getting a campsite :) Now I am going to rest I feel awful!

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