

This is a day early, but I will be gone most of the morning tomorrow and I was wxcited to celebrate my little gal!

After 13 hrs and 15 minutes of frustrating pain and suffering (had to add the drama :)) my little Alyssa was born! Yay, a girl! I saw visions of pink and hair bows--didn't picture the drama that came with 'em! LOL She made me wait at 9 1/2 cm. for 3 hrs before she decided to just SLIDE *Bloop* right out!!! The doctor barely made it in time to see the nurse catching her!

After 7 years she is still on her own time table, but I LOVE this little sweet heart I have been privileged to have in my home to teach me patience...when the drama and tears come out, tolerance of annoying sounds, understanding when she takes over my kitchen or chores (i know I shouldn't complain, but hey i'm human, right?!) I absolutely adore this child. I remember that when she was 3 years old, we butted heads a lot and I thought, "I shouldn't be butting heads with a 3 year old"! She did have a tendency to be stubborn when she wanted things her way and we fought over the alpha mom role! :) But I also remember in my prayers one night asking for the Lord's help and when I went to check on my sleeping beauty I felt a soft whisper tell me "You and she will have a very blessed and beautiful relationship and she will always love and look up to you"! I get tears just remembering such a sweet experience. These are some of the many reasons we have children, to keep us humble, more loving, kind and patient, and to help us see where we need to change.

So here are 10 things about Alyssa:

1. She has always been good with kids and LOVES babies. She adores her siblings and is VERY proud of her little sister! One day she said to me I want 1 baby, then 3 babies in my tummy, then 2 babies together and then 2 more together...how many does that make mommy?" O.k I'll let you do the math, but it was pretty funny!

2. She loves just about any food and I mean LOVES FOOD, but hates mayo! She loves sauces and gravy over most anything!

3. She loves to sing and play with her family as well as help out. I have read the Love Language Book for kids and have found that she is a Words of affirmation kinda gal with Quality Time following closely in second! So, we try to make sure that we sing praises to her on a daily basis and spend some down time with her!

4. After we go down to my family Reunions in Georgia, she gets a kick out of trying to talk like some of our cousins down there and really does a good job, too! She actually says many things that have a slight southern twaaaang on it!

5. We were watching the Women's Figure skating during the Olympics a few years back and there was a girl getting on the ice for her performance and they announced that she was from Turkey and we explained what that meant to the kids and when she was done with her routine on the ice, another girl got up to do her routine and my sweet, innocent Alyssa said "Is she from chicken?" LOL that was one of the funniest things I have ever heard pass from her tiny lips!

6. She loves her dolls and stuffed animals and has named them some interesting names! Like chocolate marshmallow, smarshmallow bean, fluffy, cloppy (a horse) and many more that I can't remember right now!

7. She loves movies one of her favorites is 'North by Northwest' with Carey Grant.

8. Her favorite color, like most other girls, is pink!

9. She loves to clothes shop with me and loves to put her own outfits together...so watch out at church! LOL

10. She willingly gives and doesn't expect anything but acceptance in return and I greatly admire that in her. There was one day at cheer leading that for some reason they were short one snack and a little girl had to do with out, but Alyssa went over to the little girl and gave her snack to her. There are several more times that she has done something like this on other occasions, but this is the most memorable one to me because one day she had forgotten her poms and the mother of that one little girl noticed and let her borrow hers. They were on different squads so it worked out, but that lady told my sister that she was one of the sweetest girls that she has ever met and that there aren't too many kids that would have given up there snack for someone else. And believe me when I say that was a MAJOR act of service and sacrifice because my daughter LOVES food! She eats VERY slowly and savors EVERY bite! LOL



Lisha said...

What a sweet post! Happy Birthday Alyssa!

Sara said...

It was a nice touch to have baby pics of Alyssa (and of you pregnant with her). I can't believe she's 7!

Lisa said...

So cute!! Happy Birthday!!

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