
A life touched by angels!

my mother and I the Easter before she passed away.
My mother passed away when I was 5 years old. She had been getting progressively worse with her diabetes and had gone into a diabetic coma while we were away visiting my Dad. She was 36.

During 2nd grade I remember we were drawing pictures for our mothers for Mother's Day and I was sitting looking at all the other kids cheerfully coloring. I had no mother to give mine to, so I did nothing. My wonderful teacher noticed and knew about my circumstances and sat beside me and asked me a few questions and during our little talk she suggested that we celebrate my sister. That this should become our Sister's Day. I don't think that teacher realizes how much she has influenced my life for good and I am grateful to her forever! Mothers Day was harder for me after my first child. Especially since everyone else around me had their mothers when they had babies and I have had to learn many things through trial and error, but God has a way of sending people into our lives that give us a little bit of what we may need and a little love!

Nothing can replace a mother, but I am grateful that I have a sister and that she loves my children and loves to play with them and give me a little sane time here and there!

my brother Doug, sister Michelle holding me, and my brother Brent!
There are a few women who are very dear to my heart for the things they have done for me as I have grown up(especially my dearest, Aunt Carolyn) and there are those that have taught me through their examples through my adult years(I'd list y'all but it'd be a long one!)! So, Happy Mother's Day to all the women who have been angels to me and have touched my life in some way! Happy mother's day to my mother in law who raised a GREAT man! Happy Sisters Day to my loving and kind hearted sister, Michelle! Happy Mother's Day to a woman who lead her life the best she knew how and has left a great example and big shoes to fill, my dearest and kindest mother!


karen said...

Beautiful. You made me cry! Happy Mother's Day and Happy Sister Day!

BAMAGurleyGirl said...

Ok - I need to go find a box of tissues.... this was a beautiful post Sharon. :)

Lisa said...

Very touching! You are wonderful and I love ya!!

shari said...

Sweet post. You and Michelle are so blessed to have each other. You are awesome!!!

Sara said...

You loook so much like your mom! I'm sure she is so proud of you for the great mother you are to your kids!

hope said...

How wonderful! It is always good to seek out the blessings that are mingled with our trials in life. YOu are a strong and wonderful mom, Sharon. Happy (belated) Mother's Day.

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