Yesterday I had taken a shower in the morning shortly after my hubby left for work and as I was drying my hair, the dog started barking, and usually only does that when someone is at the door, I stopped blow drying and heard little knocks. I go to open the door and little man is there...wet! So, I go change him quickly because there is somewhere that we need to be and then as we step out to the car there is a pile of poopy on the driveway next to the garage door...not looking like a pets. Chad asks Heath if it's his and he says "YEAH! Is mine!" soooo I load the kids, go inside to get stuff to clean it...finally busting out laughing and call my hubby who says, "Are we taking one step forward or 2 steps back?" Of course he thinks it's funny because this kid has definately done things our others haven't and is a mastermind in mischief, so we aren't too surprised! :)
Later on he does better and goes about 4-5 times in his potty all by his big boy self, nobody telling him too! YAY! progress, right!?! Then I finish cleaning some things and go into the bathroom to find poopy all over the WALLS! UGH!!! I ask him what is on the walls and he says,"Ummmmmmmm...poopy?" Then laughs! No not too funny little man! Then I make him help clean his mess and it takes FOREVER to scrub it off of flat paint(I'm GREATLY disliking the builders at this point who wouldn't paint with satin finish no matter how much we were willing to pay!)! So, today is a new day in which to excel(one can hope)! So we shall see if we take a step forward or 2 steps back!
You story makes me laugh and shutter because our bathroom has paneling....I can't imagine what poopy would do to that!!
Let me know if you have to get together once the older kids head back to school!
I am so not reading anymore until you're finished potty-training.
I'm stressing out over my near future.
Don't you hate the flat paint that's on all the walls here? Food and pencil/pen won't even come off, let alone poopy! Then you scrub too hard and the you can see the drywall. Dang cheap builders.
Good luck with little Heathy. Remember, nothing very bad ever lasts very long (right, Karen?).
Oh man! What a mess...I would probably be GAGGING cleaning up poopy off of the walls. What a little monster!
I changed Liam this morning, or should I say, I took his diaper off because when I went potty, he said he needed to go too - not that he ever has! He pushed a little and tooted! yippee we were happy, he made an effort, I got him down and while I brushed my teeth he started yelling from my bedroom. I tried to yell back, "What?!?!?" with a mouth full of toothpaste, and eventually finished quick, then went to see what his problem was... you guessed it! POOPY! gross! he had pooped without a diaper on, on my carpet, and then tried to take a step and squashed it all in his toes, GROSS!!!!!!! and of course into the carpet in two spots, but then he did stop and stood there and yelled for me, so I can say thank goodness for that!
One time my oldest was running around nakey after a bath. SHe actually went into the bathroom, so perhaps she knew where she needed to be... and went poopy on the floor. Well, then in her sweet nearly two yr old effort to clean it up, got her little toy broom and treid to sweep it, and ended up painting the floor and the wall. YUCK! when Bill found her, he told me not to come in, as I was preg and still naseaus and he figured it would not be good. Anyway, I had one thing to be thankful for that time as well. We lived in Germany and the walls up to about 4 ft were all TILE, easier to wash off than flat wall paint. AND I had doen the laundry that day and the clean fresh towels were still laying on my bed and hadn't made it back to the bathroom yet, where they would have been in that exact spot on the wall. Sometimes we just have to think of the small things we can be grateful for in the bad moments. ;-)
hahaha That is hilarious. I probably won't think so when I have a potty training little tike but until then... hehehehahaha
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