Not here in the back woods! You see youngin's as young as 6 driving a 4 wheeler better than most adult drivers actually drive! My kids loved the fact that as soon as we hit the dirt roads on the property that we let them ditch the seat belts and take turns in our laps to drive(a yearly family tradition)...they need to work on ignoring distractions such as! Uncle Donnie had all the kids in love with him...maybe it's the fast go cart(maybe it's them cute legs!!!)!
And, NO, I was not sleeping in photo number 1.
thank goodness yall were out in the country. sheesh.
Whats new? When the heck are these review things?"
It seems like everyone who lives in the country drives at a super early age. I guess because they have to drive a tractor. Same goes for wearing seat belts. No one in the country has ever even heard of them! I bet the kids loved breaking the rules!
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