
Go For The GOLD, Baby!!!

Ok, so APPARENTLY I needed to be an Olympian! At least to get some of the things that they have that I wouldn't mind having myself! I mean have you seen their GREATLY toned physiques? Yeah...me too! And the fact that they can eat a lot and it never shows! ok, ok I know it's usually a really healthy food sort of diet, but not all! For example my hubby read an article on the Gold Medalist, Michael Phelps(US Olympic Swim Team), and they were talking about how he can eat 12,000 that's right 12 THOUSAND calories a day and burns more calories sitting than we could in some of our more active moments. He eats 2 POUNDS of pasta a day(who wouldn't want to be able to eat all the carbs they wanted!?!)! All because he exercises(abt. 5 hrs. a day)! He burns 1,000 calories per hour while he is training(for the rest of us typical is 150-250)! Isn't that just AMAZING!?! For a body like that I just might consider killing myself with exercise! ha ha! I also need to rethink the way I look at food...food is fuel, not just for nummylicious good times! ;)


kmmclain said...

I know it isn't fair. I keep telling myself I need to get rid of the extra baby weight, but then cookies sound so good....
Now I want to try the recipe you posted. Oh well, I'll start soon enough.

On another note, I'd love to discuss Breaking Dawn with you. Where should we start? Drop me an email, and we'll get the discussion going.

Sara said...

Man, nothing is worth exercising 5 hours a day. Not even a body like that. I can commit to 30 minutes and that's it!

hope said...

I agree with Sara. Although I had an agressive 50 minutes on the treadmill today. Now my ankle hates me for it.

Oh well, I will do some hula-hoop on the Wii Fit tomorrow.

Would love it if all the calories I ate would go for something else though.

Lisha said...

Wouldn't that be nice?!! Now, just to find the time to exercise for five plus hours a day...

Well Behaved Krissy said...

Yeah, all we need to do is exercise one half of the day, eat the other half, and sleep for 20 minutes between the two and we're totally michael phelps.

kellibattraw said...

I have struggled with this thought for much of my life. : )

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