We had a BLAST with our good friends the Moulton's! We stayed in the Elkmont Campgrounds by Pigeon Forge(beautiful, beautiful!)! And the best part is the river was right behind us so we could step out and wade in it or just listen to it at night!
On the way home (6 hr. drive)I was really REALLY sick! Basically had to lay my head down on the pillow with a bucket next to me and pray I wouldn't self combust with how hot I felt, but oddly enough there was no fever! Luckily I didn't need to use the bucket! I was laid out for 2 days! I wasn't sure if it was just the morning sickness or some flu like bug on top of it! I felt pretty good through most of the camping, so maybe my body was making up for the lost time. I am doing better, but the morning sickness hits around the afternoon and evening time! Just in time to get kids home and run them around! What joy(insert heavy sarcasm)! :)
That looks like awesome fun!! Let me know where that was. I know Shawn and I would love to hit that spot. I went tubing down Provo River once. That was a blast. Of course I had to dive in to save my cousin from flowing downstream right after I got off my tube. That is another story.
I love road trips!! Try 40+ hours straight through!!!
So are you making the Smokies your annual Labor day vacation? Sounds like everyone had fun (with the exception of the sick moments. Next year you'll have another somebody to take pictures of!
looks like a LOT of fun!!
How fun! I'm glad you guys were able to get away!
Sounds like another girl for you to be pukin this early :)
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