I am soooo tired! I haven't been sleeping very well and wish I could sleep better cause my nights are going to soon be filled with feedings and a crying baby. So, good sleep now would be appreciated! This weather isn't helping either! I miss the sun! Dreary weather always makes me more tired! I am hoping next week is more Spring like weather...it'd sure make me happy! :) Then perhaps my husband, when he gets back, could take the kids for a camp out and let me have some much needed peace and quiet! :)
Last week I came down with the Flu and it happened to be the weekend my hubby was gone for school. Chad was staying at a friends house and Alyssa woke up at 4 in the morning with a fever (100.9) so my feverish self ran up to her as she was crying and took care of her. Then I was woken up by Heath, at 6a.m., he was crying...the boy's alarm clock went off and he didn't know how to turn it off! ha ha! Then I started to fall back to sleep and woke up to Heath kicking me for attention at 6:30 a.m. So, I put a movie on (without any guilt) and climbed back into bed. Bria woke up and got breakfast for her and Heath and took charge until I called a family member to come and get them for a little while so I could rest. Then later on Aunt Chel came over and took over until shortly before Tyson came home. It really is nice to have some help like that. I haven't ever really had that before! ;)
Tyson is gone again this weekend and is home for Sunday and then gone Mon.-Wed. for a business trip. Gone next Saturday and the weekend after that! I will be glad when this semester ends...in 2 weeks. Cause even when he is home he is studying for the most part. I know it's not like some people have it, but it is hard to have your other half gone no matter the circumstance.
I am also starting to slow down even more and have those lovely aches and pains that follow the end of a pregnancy. My to-do list is just sitting and collecting dust this week cause my energy is spent just taking care of the kids and trying to do the everyday stuff. Now I am re-prioritizing the list and just being happy with what does get done! In the meantime I am excited that there are only 4 weeks left til due date and that my husband's first semester is almost over and that we only have 14 months left with the MBA program! The simple things that keep me happy! When I was a teen I so would not have thought these things would fill you with happiness, maybe a nice Ferrari or perhaps being famous, but the everyday ordinary things do and are lasting! ;)
I tell ya, those last few weeks of pregnancy are so difficult. No sleep, aches and pains, no energy. And, like you said, this would be the ideal time to get sleep since the baby will be here soon. But, in my opinion, I like to think that God is just warming you up for when the baby is here. That way the no sleep thing doesn't just slap you right in the face when junior comes along. =) Keep on treckin'...you can do it!!!
I agree the last few weeks are the hardest! :) I think it is definately there to prepare you for the sleep deprivation!
After being sick with sick kids while hubby is gone...I sure appreciate the pioneer women and the difficulties they went through when their hubbies were gone and they were all sick!
Heath was so cute in his pre school program! At least you look so dang good this pregnancy.
I absolutely love your "to do" list or this upcoming week! Just let the dust collect and "be".
Right there with you sista! I was flat on my back for two whole days and still am feeling yucky! Something in the water maybe?! Good luck, hang in there and for now stay away. This stinks.
I know, the weather is a huge downer for me too. I have never liked March for that very reason. I always wait for it to be warm and springy but it never is.
Don't worry about your to do list. You already have the important stuff done anyway.
I lived for 6 years in the Desert... I discovered I like sunshine!!! So, when it is dull and gray outside... I just want to curl up and never get out of bed!!!
I know you aren't feeling good, and I'm so sorry you have somehow manaaged to catch every single thing germ that hads come through this season... but you can do this!
The time for baby wil be here before you know it!
I can't believe you only have 4 weeks left!! Hang in there and call me anytime!!
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