
It's Raining, It's Pouring

But no one here was snoring! We were all out having fun doing various things in and out of the house with the sun shining, when my kids ran in to tell us there were some very dark clouds rolling in and sure enough North West of our house there were the most beautiful dark clouds coming our way. It wasn't that bad of a storm, but it was amazing to watch it move and form right before our eyes! I had to try and get some decent pictures of it all! We have been having thunderstorms on and off (Mostly on) for the past several weeks and ended up with an F2 Tornado about a mile from my house not too long ago. Of course I was sitting in my living room watching the trees swing in circles and the rain hit harder thinking "Hmmm, I wonder if a real Tornado just hit cause it looks like it." It even felt like it. You could feel a pressure difference in the air. Yeah, not so smart. When you have been around this kind of stuff for your entire life and it's been a long time since they have touched down around you, it is hard sometimes not to get desensitized. So from now on when the sirens blare, we will be in the designated closet! :) Better safe than sorry!

I have to admit that I LOVE watching Thunderstorms and the lightning that comes with them. I just wish I had a front porch to sit on during it all!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Cecily R said...

As long as there is no damage done anywhere, I LOVE extreme weather. There's just something about it.

I love the wide angle of the last shot...very cool.

Emily said...

That is awesome! I love watching storms too...although I feel like we've already gotten our fair share this spring!

Dawn, said...

I was so nervous that I was going to receive news of someone I knew injured in that Madison tornado. So relieved that it wasn't worse.

I love storm clouds too. I love the sound of rain. We have a metal cap on our bedroom fireplace and it sounds just like we have an old tin roof when it rains, will never tire of that wonderful sound.

Its been so nice to have a normal rainy season here, kinda forgot what it was like the past several years of drought.

Laney is so precious in your header!!

Izzy 'N Emmy said...

I LOVE LOVE storms. They are such amazing events and I can't help but sit and watch them too. Wonderful captures of the clouds and sky.

Happy Friday!

Chris said...

I also love thunderstorms! The bigger the better. I've only been through one real tornado storm -- eerie but very cool!

Robyn said...

I sit and watch for the most part myself, but since I've been through one now I tend to seek shelter more often.

kg said...

Love the storm clouds, hate the tornados!

Michelle said...

Wow, that last shot looks surreal!

Shellie said...

Awesome shots but now I'm going to have tornado nightmares.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

What an awesome shot that last one is!
I did want to be a meteorologists once because of the cool extreme weather.

kellibattraw said...

Those are some awesome photos, thanks for sharing.

A Crafty Mom said...

Crazy!!! Look at those clouds, wow, what an amazing shot.

Leah said...

Look at the sky!!

kmmclain said...

That is one part of Alabama I do not miss. I loved to watch the clouds, but they made me very nervous. Now here in Utah when we have thunderstorm clouds roll in, they barely affect me. My kids still get nervous though.
Love the pictures.

Sara said...

I always sleep better when it's stormy outside. So I wish it would be stormy every night, and then sunny every day!

Puna said...

I love thunderstorms too. My dog hates them.

Maggie May said...

I would find that scary! Glad you have somewhere safe to hide if it got really bad.
Loved your pictures though and found the skies looked really dramatic.
Makes a great picture!

Sarah (and a few others) said...

Wow. Those pictures are surreal.

Was no one snoring because of Laney? :)

hope said...

I love watching the dark clouds roll in! We were at the park the other afternoon watching them come in!

Amy said...

very cool photo! The clouds are amazing and I love it with all the sunshine around. Perfect summer storm.

CC said...

Wow. Those cloud pics are amazing!!!!

tommie said...

OMG, that looks like my neighborhood when I lived in TX....my kids came to know the tornado siren!

Thanks so much for visiting my story! Happy weekend

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