
4 women in one house...WATCH OUT!

I was feeding Miss Laney-bug while the girls were doing their after school chores and there was some arguing going on in the direction they were in so I asked what was wrong?

Weeeeeell, they both tried talking over the other and pointing fingers at who does more work and who did what last time and so on and so forth...all I said was "Hey! Let's calm down." And THEN Alyssa comes into the living room bawling! "Ittt's JUST SO UNFAIR! It's so hard being the big sister! it's so hard to always try to be good! Bria always says I don't let her do the rinsing!"

THEN Bria comes out BAWLING and saying "She never thinks I do anything right! She always thinks I don't work hard!!!"

I felt all sorts of emotion myself...wanting to cry with them, yell cause life has bee a bit hard lately, and what I actually did do...laugh and said "Y'all are not EVEN teenagers yet!" :)

We eventually got emotions under control and they eventually forgave me for laughing and had a much better day...but man I am SO not ready for those teen years!

Why can't it just stay like this? :)

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Chris


Chris said...

You're allowed just enough of those last moments to keep you from looking up adoption agencies in the Yellow Pages. :)

Maggie May said...

Great kids...... lovely photos and I did chuckle at Chris' comment!

Rebekah said...

so cute. at least they're still little. :]

ps. its like i've seen the onesie little Laney was wearing. :]

kaye said...

kids--gotta love 'em.

Here’s my photo story. happy Friday!

karen said...

They sure are cute. I love my conversations with them yesterday. They were classic!

Emily said...

So cute. It's amazing how much girl drama we have from just one girl...I can't imagine more than one!

Quincy Sorensen said...

I hear you . . . four "women" in this house, too. :) I love the picture of Bria and Alyssa playing with Laney-Bug!

Natalie said...

I too feel a little nervous about the "teen" years. Your girls reading to Laney is precious!

kellibattraw said...

I can feel your pain... I had 6 sisters- 8 women in the household! :)

The Happy Haynie Family said...

Totally just described my household! Sometimes I think we would be a smash reality show!!

scrappysue said...

yep - i hear ya - we have FIVE women in the house, my husband never gets a word in!!!

CC said...

Awwww! Those are going to be some "exciting" years!

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