
PSF--Dear Santa

taken Easter 2007

These two have always had a special bond. When Heath was first walking Bria would scream if she thought he was going to get hurt and yell at any kid that she thought was bullying him. This was her baby! Over the years their bond has grown tighter and they still look out for each other.

taken 2009~July

I recently found a letter to Santa from Heath, but it was written by his big sister! I thought it was so SWEET that she would do that for him!

Here is what it said:

Dear Santa, Sorry to disturb you while you are working, but my little brother hasn't been good. He slapped me on the arm and this is his note. He wants a batman, fake spaceship, robot cat, razor scooter, and real tent.

Now THIS is real sibling dynamics at work! I LOVE my kids! My life would be so dull without them! :)

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Linds


Chris said...

THAT is CLASSIC! Your life should be a comic strip!

Lindsay said...

That is beyond funny. I totally remember doing stuff like that and "hiding" it where I knew my parents would find it! They are so stinkin' smart, it's scary.

snbjork said...

I love it! I was sitting here cracking up. Alton keeps saying "what, Mommy? What's so funny?" I'm not sure he would understand....

Thanks for sharing the fun with us!

Izzy 'N Emmy said...

Awww, I have goosebumps. Such a sweet bond between them. The letter is awesome; what a great find. :) Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by!!

T~T said...

too sweet! I love to watch the bond grow b/t my kids as well - it swells my heart

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Wow.. the slapping part huh?? FUNNY. You should take a picture of the NOTE!!

kaye said...

Now that story is a keeper, to be told over and over! Kids, gotta love 'em. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Michelle said...

LOL! That letter is too funny. You are lucky that your two get a long so well. It is a blessing for sure.

Emily said...


Heidi said...

How did you get kids that actually like each other well enough to do something nice to each other? Please share your secret!
What a silly note! It made me smile.
And I know my life would certianly be dull without kids!
Great post!
Thanks for stopping by my very long post today!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I love it! :)
It is SO nice when they get along, huh?

latree said...

so sweet. did they ever have a fight at all?

CC said...

Bwhahahaha!!!! Tell it like it is sister!

Organized Nutrition said...

That is super! Atleast she went on to give his list...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Honey Mommy said...

That note is so stinking hilarious and cute! I hope my boys are friends like this!

Sara said...

I'm dying laughing right now. Can't wait to see those 2 on Thursday!

Momisodes said...

That is too funny. There really is nothing like siblings :)

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