Some days I am happy, content and ready to greet the day and all that it has in store for me. Then there is always a day or two where I hit a wall and just want to crawl back into bed and face the underside of my covers. Hide myself from everything around me.
Life has been crazy and hectic for our family for awhile with my husband going to school, having 5 kids one of which is a 6 month old, trying to keep up with a house that seems to never stay clean, yard work, laundry and other daily tasks as well as church responsibilities. But I have hit a day where not only do I NOT want to keep up, but I can't. I really truthfully feel like I can't. My energy is zapped. My motivation and determination down the drain. It seemed that I was on a roll, but somewhere along the line the balance was thrown.
Then my 4 year old, who was trying to open something, yelled to me from another room, "Mom! Can you help me? I'm not strong enough."
And like a bolt of lightening it hit me! I am not strong enough, at least not on my own, to face these challenges that I am having to face right now. We all have something that we have to endure. No matter how big or little these challenges may seem to someone on the outside, they ARE challenges and they ARE real for that person that is dealing with them. Too often I think that even when we are trying to stay close to God, we tend to lean on our own strength more than we should and we always fall short.
I am learning what it means to give all to Him and rely in His strength. I should realize that not everything I would like to do needs to get done or can get done as quickly as I would like. I also have had to realize that I don't have as much control on things as I would like. He is the one in charge. Not me.
There were too many things to do and I couldn't run fast enough. I have had to regroup. I am grateful that I can have these moments to regroup and that my children are resilient and can overlook my weaknesses and challenges. So, I have had to reanalyze what we have on our plates and downsize. It is hard, but I think we need it and I hope to see a difference in our lives because of it. So I think my 4 year old has given me something to ask in my prayers, "God. Can you help me? I'm not strong enough." It's amazing the insight we can get when we are seeking and wanting an answer from up above and sometimes the answers are so simple. We just have to be ready to receive them.
I think you will be greatly blessed for having this attitude. No doubt, you will receive the help you need, and likely much, much more.
Beautiful! My kiddos know when I say "mom needs a time-out" that I am promptly going to my room, falling on my knees, and praying, hard! I hope in their futures when they hit their 'brick walls', that they too will take a time out and drop to their knees, it really is the only place to go sometimes. Hang in there!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like that sometimes. Being a mom is tough! (Especially with a part-time husband right now.) I think you are doing a fantastic job staying afloat of everything. Not much longer now!
So are we going to New Moon this month? I say yes!
Simply put. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful post...& so true. It's so easy to forget. Thanks for the reminder. :)
Thanks for this great post! It comes at just the right time... I too am feeling JUST LIKE YOU! Thanks for putting my feelings into words!
Well said. Thanks for the reminder Sharon. You are an inspiration to me.
You and I are feeling the same thing. I know you will find the strength you need.
Okay, so I just remembered that your blog site had changed. Duh. But I had fun catching up. :)
Laney is SO precious. Her cheeks are amazingly cute.
You outdid yourself with your witches this year! What in the world will they all be next year?
I love this last post. I forget all the time that I don't have to manage all alone. Your words and meaning are beautiful, and I'm sure spoke to every mom who reads them.
Love you.
What an inspiring post, it really needed to hear that. It truly amazes me all that you do for your family and kids. It's so true though, you have to rely on the Lord's strength to get you through! Thanks again!
You are amazing Sharon. I have enjoyed reading this. You have the ability to share your thoughts in a way that is uplifting to others.
Thinking of you. Miss you!
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