Congratulations to my awesome hubby for a job well done! I am sure he is looking forward to actually getting more than 5-6 hrs. of sleep a night and being able to have weeknights that aren't full of homework, team meetings and studying ( I am too). :)
The University of Alabama took these pictures for a brochure to help promote their EMBA program. They also took a video, but we don't have a copy of that. Tyson was one of the few students that they asked to be a part of it. There were more pictures taken, but these are my favorites.
Awesome! I am so happy for you to finally have your husband back! Enjoy the extra time with him.
Couldn't be happier for the whole family. Great job! Now I am kind of chuckling just a little that he finished school and then got the Ward Mission call. Now you'll be busy in a whole new way. Lots of love to all of you!
Congratulations, Tyson and Sharon! This is a fantastic accomplishment . . . . way to go!
Whew! So glad that it's over and that you all have your husband/daddy back full time. Very sophisticated pictures, Tyson!
Congrats to you all!!! Yay!!
Congrats Tyson & Sharon! Hooray for both of you! This is a HUGE accomplishment. Way to go!
Oh I just belted out a sigh of relief for you as I know it has been a long road. What a great accomplishment... Congratulations=)
Yay!!!! Congrats!!!
Congratulation Tyson! The pics are great.
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