I received an email recently, from the dance place that my girls attend, asking for help in donations for a little girl Aaylah. She is 4 years old and has such bad allergic reactions to many foods, especially peanuts, that she can not live a normal carefree childhood. She can not go to school, church or other things where there are a lot of people. The dance teachers even have to thoroughly wash their hands before giving her lessons. Peanuts are the worst for her. If she encounters them, their residue or breathes in air that has peanut in it (such as using peanut oil while cooking), it can prove to be fatal.
Her family is trying to get a service dog that will help reduce the risk of running into these problems. The dog will be able to detect the things that she is allergic to (amazing that they can train for that and I am grateful for the people that devote their time and talents to do so) as well as carry her epipens and be able to push a pre-programmed button that will call 911 in an emergency. They have already matched her to an Australian Labradoodle that is specifically bred so that 99.9% of allergy sufferers have no reactions to them. If you are willing to help in any way possible then please Click here to go to her website. You can also forward this to others that you think would be willing to help out. Or better yet, pass it along on your blog by posting it. Let us use it for the good of others.
There is also a duck race that is being put together in hopes to raise more money for the family. You can find it here. Thank you for your help and support!
I saw an article about her in the paper! Good for you for posting about her!
Thank you Sharon for helping us go viral! - www.aaylahsworld.com
Jan- You are welcome and if there is anything else that I can do or info to pass on, let me know!
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