
Happy Despite the Hardship


This little girl just keeps getting cuter and CUTER! I love her to pieces! This past week I was gone to Houston with my family and I sure missed her hugs and kisses (as well as my other cute kiddos)!

While I was gone she was outside playing in the back yard with her 5 year old brother. Daddy was in the garage putting something away when Heath ran to him saying that Laney was covered in FIRE ANTS! Poor girl! She ended up having roughly 125 ant bites on her hands and feet collectively.Thank goodness for a little boy that acts fast during a D.I.D (damsel in distress) moment. My little hero in the making.


The day after the bites. She didn't like us putting medicine on them because they were sore areas. Made me sad to see her in pain.


What they look like today. We took her into the doctor's office to make sure that they weren't infected since they are redder and more swollen. Luckily they are not infected. We just have to keep an eye on them for now and let them heal on their own.

Bria and our little neighbor girl, Megan, made her get well cards. So cute and thoughtful. I love these girls of mine (even though I didn't give birth to Megan)!

Despite her hardships, Laney is one happy girl! Smiling through it all!

Just a little FYI: You shouldn't pop the ant bites (actually they sting you) because when they are open they have more of a chance getting infected. It is better to leave them because when healed properly the puss bumps will go away on their own.


Lisha said...

Oh, this breaks my heart! Poor baby. Good thing she's resilient! :)

Mandi said...

So sad! They look like they HURT! I'm glad she is handling it well... I don't think I would be. :/

kg said...

Ouch! Poor Laney!! That's what Grace's little feet looked like a few months ago, exact same thing. They took a good few weeks to completely heal. You're right she sure is a cutie...so glad she's her happy self!

Sara said...

Yikes! Those things are vicious! But I'm not at all surprised to hear she is her happy self throughout it all. She was a GEM while you were out of town and my girls keep asking when she can come back to play.

Sarah (and a few others) said...

awwww, poor poor laney-bug. That cute little sweetie should never be miserable.

Shawn Anderson said...

Oh poor baby...glad she has a good disposition...I'm afraid I wouldn't do so well. Hope she heals quickly.

Stacey said...

Ouch! Just looking at that poor hand made me hurt! Hope she is feeling better soon!

hope said...

How sad. Poor baby gal! Zach had a similar experience with Houston Fire ants. Stepped out of the van right onto a hill. Within 10 seconds he had over a hundred on his feet since he had sandles on. I hate those bites.... so painful!

Dawn, said...

Oh no!!! Fire ants are a BIG part of our lives out here. Unlike a bee or wasp... an ant bite (sting) keeps giving and giving and giving... takes such a long time for the pain to subside. I don't think any of us have gotten that many bites at one time though, so sad :(

Quincy Sorensen said...

I didn't even know fire ant bites looked like that. I am so very sorry, and I think she is adorable.

kellibattraw said...

Poor baby! That breaks my heart! She really is so adorable though.

kellibattraw said...

Poor baby! That breaks my heart! She really is so adorable though.

Kimberly Cone said...

Growing up in Houston we were always getting bit by these pests. The best thing to do is apply Clorox right after they bite/sting (whatever!) Just FYI for if it happens again. Poor baby.

Julie said...

I hope she's okay now. That would break my heart!

Natalie said...

Ouch! Poor sweet Laney! I hope that she is doing better. She is a doll!

Amy said...

Oh my gosh!!! Those pictures made me soooo sad! She must be just miserable. I hope they go away soon.

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