I was close to transition when the nurses said "The weather is getting worse. If there is a tornado warning honey, you're going to have to deliver in the hall."
I grabbed my hubby's hand rather tightly and said through gritted teeth for all to hear, "I am NOT pushing my baby out in the hall! I'd rather deliver in that bathroom." And believe me when I say that I would have fought them tooth and nail too despite the pain, but fortunately for all involved, it cleared up outside and all was well with the world.
Then our cute little Heath-y was born weighing 8lbs. 5 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. Little did we know that that day was a true tornado warning...Heath was that tornado. :) As soon as he started walking this kid was FULL of energy. He left a wake of disaster with all that lay in his path. A 102 degree fever can't even keep this kid down. He LOVES life! Every morning he wakes up ready to face the world and is one of the most loving kids I have ever known.
Six reasons this kid has stolen my heart:
1. He loves people so much.
2. He is always saying that I am beautiful! How can you NOT love that!?! :)
3. He doesn't meet a stranger. I wish I were more like this.
4. He is usually one of the happiest people I know.
5. Deep down he is such a softy and adores his siblings!
6. This goes with the last picture...He isn't afraid to be different and have fun!
What a sweet birthday story/post! I love that he says you are beautiful~ what a sweetheart!
Heath sounds exactly like my Christian. A TON of work but oh such a joy to watch conquer their worlds!
LOVE it!! Happy Birthday, Heath-y!!! (My brother was a trouble-making toe-head as well... named Heath!)
Happy Birthday Heath-y!! I can't believe he is 6! Wasn't it just yesterday that I was waking him up and singing to him on his 5th birthday?! Go back to Chile and we'll come watch em again ;) ha We miss your munchkins!!
Sorry, I meant Brazil... lol!
Happy birthday, Heath! Looks like you got a tornado after the tornado warning, after all! What a great story! ;)
I'll take this storm any day. Love, love, love Heath!!!! And all you others too :-)
Happy birthday Heath! I look forward to all the stories you tell him about him, Sharon. They keep me in stitches!
How are you feeling? I'll stop by soon with your maternity clothes and we can catch up.
Happy bday Heath! He's looking so big and, to me, is the spitting image of Tyson (with blonde hair).
What a cute post for Heath. Hope the birthday boy had a great day!
Happy Birthday Heath!!
Happy Birthday, little tornado! Now that I know the background of his birth, his personality totally makes sense -- too bad I don't have that excuse for my little tornadoes! Love you guys! Hope Heath had a great day!
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