
A Winner and a Ponytail


It looks like A-N-S-L-E-Y was the winner for spelling new baby's name. Its my fave way to spell it too. Thanks for all those who voted and commented. It makes it all the more fun!

The winner of our giveaway was commenter #12, which would have been me, so I decided to nix me and go for who would have been that number had I not commented. Drum roll please...Sara! You get to choose either a $10 gift card to Hobby Lobby, to Target or something from etsy that is no more than $10 (they don't do gift cards yet for the entire site)! Just let me know which one you want and I will drop it by at your house. Congrats!

I had posted on my facebook recently :
"Day two of Laney allowing me to do her hair...and it is in a CUTE ponytail! LOVE it! Now if the older two would let me do theirs once in awhile, without a fight that is. :)"

My sister really wanted a pic, so here they are.

One catch for doing Laney's hair is that I can NOT use a brush. She freaks when I get it out. We won't name the girls responsible for this kind of action due to their examples. So I use my fingers. Who knew that would be okay? And I think it helped having all the kids vocalize the fact that she is adorable because when it would fall out, at all, she would freak! Kinda funny if you ask me. I am thinking that I will have to have the kids do this when we start potty training. Its coming soon. *freak out* She brings her diapers and wipes to me and likes sitting on her potty chair even though she doesn't do anything in it yet. I am NOT ready.

So here she is. Miss Sassy in a ponytail! One day I am hoping to do some pigtails, but for now I will take what I can get.


I LOVE her cute curly little puff ball!



Anonymous said...

What a cutie patootie! Love the hair and the girl.

Sara said...

I won? Seriously cannot believe it. I never win anything! The ponytail on Laney is very cute. I've always preferred the messy look on little girls rather than the sleek look so who needs a brush?

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