
Waiting for my little cowgirl!!!

I am still waiting....waiting....aaaaaaaaannnnnddd waiting!

I think I jinxed myself when I found out I was pregnant, I decided that I would TRY to go into labor on my OWN (I was induced with the last 3...2 of them because I was having hip complications)! And since this is baby #5 I thought "It won't take me long..."! Now I am eating my words. ;) I am now 5 days overdue....and feeling it, but I can't be pregnant forever...at least one hopes she isn't the first in history for such a feat that I am sure would NOT be envied! :)

So now I wait and if this baby doesn't come soon I will be induced next Tuesday...YAY! So, c'mon baby!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


kg said...

Good luck.....with waiting. I know it's hard! Can't wait to see pics of your sweet baby!

Meredith said...

I hope your next PSF involves your new little baby!

Good luck!

Wayne said...

Im sure the baby will come very soon infact Id like to place a bet on it, I say on sunday the baby will be here

Quincy Sorensen said...

I have been thinking about you . . . it is hard to wait, but very exciting, too, to know it could be ANY time now! Good luck, Sharon!

Dawn, said...

Awww, I just love that little cowgirl line from Target. Savannah was my stubborn baby, 2 weeks late... finally on a Thursday appt we scheduled an inducement for the following Monday and I went into labor on Sunday night. She was mocking me, grin.

Chris said...

Stairs! The answer is stairs!!
Good luck, I hope everything turns out well for both you and the baby.

Sara said...

How cute are those little cowgirl onesies?! Yay for pink!

Wendyrful said...

Hey I just noticed on yoru babystrology... count down thing, it says you still have 5 days to go? what's up with that?

Did you get my email?

Hope we'll be seeing each other soon.

Pam Emmons said...

Oh, I am sorry! I have never even come close to my due date, so I wouldn't even want to guess how you are feeling! Good luck! And BTW, I absolutely love your header picture. It's beautiful.

Tiaras said...

oh, I remember those VERY FULL days! Hopefully next week we will see your new little one!

snbjork said...

Boy is it ever hard to wait when you're just so ready to get the baby out of your body and wrap your arms around them! I will pray for you and hope that she comes soon. And that you will go into labor on your own so you don't have to be induced...again! I was induced with Alton because he was almost 2 weeks past the due date and the placenta was deteriorating quickly. I hated it, though. It was much better when I went into labor on my own with Evelyn. Good luck!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

natural is overrated! I love induction! Good luck!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

You are getting down to crunch time! I hope the baby comes quickly. I'll send you some early baby mojo :)

Sarah said...

I hate that waiting game for babies, LOL.
Hopefully it's soon!!
Love the outfits though!

hope said...

LOL!! You know your babynamey.com thing on the side says your baby is now 6 days old, right?!?! I am sorry... that is too funny. I know you must be miserable. I am sorry. Have you tried horseback riding?!?!?!

Amy said...

YAY! Laney will be here this time next week. Can't wait to see her!
BTW- cute cowgirl stuff!

Angela said...

Being overdue is no fun! Hopefully she comes out soon. Here's my photostory. Check it out if you have time!


scrappysue said...

it only FEELS like forever! thanks for stopping by and hugs to you for your impending labour!!!

DaMomma said...

We are all anxiously waiting here on the West Coast for your new arrival!
Hope all goes well and you have her BEFORE Tuesday :)

lisaschaos said...

My babies never wanted to come out either. And I had four. Fingers crossed things happen naturally for you!

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